'Compiles as-is in PBWin 10 or PBCC 6.
#compile exe
#dim all
#if %pb_cc32   'Ignored by PBWin, no need to remove.
  #console off 'Stops creation of unneeded console in PBCC
  wYear         as word
  wMonth        as word
  wDayOfWeek    as word
  wDay          as word
  wHour         as word
  wMinute       as word
  wSecond       as word
  wMilliseconds as word
end type
declare function SystemTimeToFileTime lib "Kernel32.dll" _
   alias "SystemTimeToFileTime" (lpSystemTime as SYSTEMTIME, _
   lpFileTime as quad) as long
declare function FileTimeToSystemTime lib "Kernel32.dll" _
   alias "FileTimeToSystemTime" (lpFileTime as quad, _
   lpSystemTime as SYSTEMTIME) as long
function pbmain () as long
  local ST as systemtime
  local FT as quad
  local hTxt as dword
  local x as word
  txt.window("About FILETIME and SYSTEMTIME", 200, 150, 24, 65) to hTxt
  FT = &h8000000000000000
  txt.print " A FileTime of &h8000000000000000 returns:"
  txt.print FileTimeToSystemTime (FT, ST); "  'zero if error"
  txt.print "&h8000000000000000 - 1 = &h7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF";
  txt.print "  'which returns:"
  txt.print FileTimeToSystemTime (FT, ST); "  'non-zero if success"
  txt.print "Making it the maximum FileTime. Or,"
  txt.print dec$(ST.wYear, 4); "-"; dec$(ST.wMonth, 2); "-";
  txt.print dec$(ST.wDay, 2); "T"; dec$(ST.wHour, 2); ":";
  txt.print dec$(ST.wMinute, 2); ":"; dec$(ST.wSecond, 2); ".";
  txt.print dec$(FT mod 10000000 , 7); "Z";
  txt.print "  'ISO 8601 format from SystemTime."
  txt.print " "; string$$(63, "=")
  txt.print "SystemTimeToFileTime returns as error with that SystemTime."
  txt.print "The latest SystemTime that does not error is:"
  txt.print "ST.wYear = 30827" tab(20)
  txt.print "ST.wMonth = 12" tab(40)
  txt.print "ST.wDay    = 31"
  txt.print "ST.wHour  = 23" tab(20)
  txt.print "ST.wMinute = 59" tab(40)
  txt.print "ST.wSecond = 59"
  txt.print "ST.wmilliseconds = 999"
  txt.print "So the maximum SystemTime is in ISO 8601 is:"
  ST.wYear = 30827   :  ST.wMonth = 12     :  ST.wDay    = 31
  ST.wHour  = 23     :  ST.wMinute = 59    :  ST.wSecond = 59
  ST.wmilliseconds = 999
  txt.print dec$(ST.wYear, 4); "-"; dec$(ST.wMonth, 2); "-";
  txt.print dec$(ST.wDay, 2); "T"; dec$(ST.wHour, 2); ":";
  txt.print dec$(ST.wMinute, 2); ":"; dec$(ST.wSecond, 2); ".";
  txt.print dec$(FT mod 10000000 , 7); "Z"
  txt.print "Converted to FileTime:"
  SystemTimeToFileTime (ST, FT)
  txt.print "&h";hex$(FT, 16)
  txt.print "Any key to exit.
end function