A TXT.WINDOW would have allowed these to be compiled by PBWin 10 or PBCC 6. Using a PBCC 6 console made it easy to copy the output for the parent page, and this code is not the subject anyway.
'Modified negative E quotients and modulos
'(ɔ)Copyleft 2022, Dale Yarker.
#compile exe
#dim all
#break on
function pbmain () as long
  local Exponent, ER, EM, QM, RM as long 'R = raw, M = modified
  con.print "        "   , "Quotient"     , "Remainder" ,
  con.print "Exponent"   , "Quotient"     , "Remainder"
  con.print "Raw"        , "Of \ 3 Raw"   , "Of \ 3 Raw",
  con.print "Modified", "With Modified"   , "Also"
  con.print "Exponent"   , "Exponent"     , "Exponent"  ,
  con.print "If Negative", "Exponent"     , "Modified"
  for ER = 6 to -6 step -1
    con.print ER, ER \ 3, ER mod 3,
    EM = ER 'so ER does not get modified inside FOR/NEXT loop
    if ER >= 0 then
      con.print EM, EM \ 3, EM mod 3
      EM -= 2
      QM = EM \ 3
      RM = EM mod 3
      RM += 2
      con.print EM, QM, RM
    end if
end function         
Working out the arithmatic in BASIC is helpful. Then dedo in assembly. Getting a screen shot to demonstrate problems and cure in the discussion is gravy.