Table or Field Name New or Edit

This popup makes "add / edit" dialog less "messy". File ./, and the language DLL change daily (I hope). If somebody wants to run this code's demo, ask for the files.
Code section by section description later.

%test_dialog = -1 'change to 0 to use this file as a #INCLUDE
#if %test_dialog '
#compile exe
#dim all
#resource icon, 101, "./../IconStor/bBaseW32.ico"

#include once ""
#include "./"
global gpGetLText as dword
function pbmain () as long
  local hLangText, hStdFont as dword
  local TName as wstringz * 32
  import addr "GetCtlText","xBaseW_EN.dll" to gpGetLText, hLangText
  dialog default font "Microsoft Sans Serif", 12, 0, 1
  TName = "Dick" '
  TableFieldName 0, TName, %TblNmDlgTtl '%TblNmDlgTtl %FldNmDlgTtl set caption
 ? Tname
    ' %TblNmDlgTtl %FldNmDlgTtl
  import close hLangText
end function
declare function GetLText (byval W_ID as long) as wstring

'============================================================================  ===
%dym_pStr = %wm_user + 501
%ID_ExitBtn = 1000
%ID_NameTxtBx = 1001
%ID_AcceptBtn  = 1002
%ID_AbandonBtn = 1003
%ID_TblFldNmLbl = 1020

callback function TblFldNmDlgCB() as long
  static pStr as wstringz pointer * 32
  local TmpStr, TmpStr2 as wstring
  local TmpLg as long
  if cb.msg = %wm_command then
    if (cb.ctl = %ID_AcceptBtn) and (cb.ctlmsg = %bn_clicked) then
      control get text cb.hndl, %ID_NameTxtBx to TmpStr
      TmpLg = len(TmpStr)
      if TmpLg > 31 then
        call dword gpGetLText using GetLText(%NmTooLgMBmsg) to TmpStr
        TmpStr += dec$(TmpLg - 31)
        call dword gpGetLText using GetLText(%ErrorMBTtl) to TmpStr2
        msgbox TmpStr, %mb_ok or %mb_iconerror or %mb_taskmodal, TmpStr2
        @pStr = TmpStr
        dialog end cb.hndl
      end if
    elseif (cb.ctl = %ID_AbandonBtn) and (cb.ctlmsg = %bn_clicked) then
        dialog end cb.hndl
    end if
  elseif cb.msg = %dym_pStr then
    pStr = cb.wparam
  end if
end function
function TableFieldName(byval hParent as dword, _
                        byref wNamez as wstringz * 32, _
                        byval TextIsFor as long) as long
  local hTblFldNmDlg as dword
  local CtlText as wstring
  local Parent_X, Parent_Y as long
  ' - dialog -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -
  dialog get loc hParent to Parent_X, Parent_Y
  call dword gpGetLText using GetLText(TextIsFor) to CtlText
  dialog new hParent,  CtlText, Parent_X + 10, Parent_Y + 10, 160, 52, _
                                                                   to hTblFldNmDlg
  ' - instruction label  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -
  call dword gpGetLText using GetLText(%TblFldNmLbl) to CtlText
  control add label, hTblFldNmDlg, %ID_TblFldNmLbl, CtlText, 5, 5, 150, 10
  ' - name textbox -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -
  CtlText = wNamez
  Parent_X = len(CtlText)
  control add textbox, hTblFldNmDlg, %ID_NameTxtBx, CtlText, 5, 15, 150, 12
  ' - accept button   -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -
  call dword gpGetLText using GetLText(%AcceptBtnTop) to CtlText
  control add button, hTblFldNmDlg, %ID_AcceptBtn, CtlText, 11 ,32, 60, 15
  if Parent_X then
    control set focus hTblFldNmDlg, %ID_AcceptBtn
    control set focus hTblFldNmDlg, %ID_NameTxtBx
  end if
  ' - abandon button  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -
  call dword gpGetLText using GetLText(%AbandonBtnTop) to CtlText
  control add button, hTblFldNmDlg, %ID_AbandonBtn, CtlText, 92, 32, 58, 11
  ' - pointer for result to callback and show the dialog   -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -
  dialog post hTblFldNmDlg, %dym_pStr, varptr(wNamez), 0
  dialog show modal hTblFldNmDlg call TblFldNmDlgCB
end function

Created on August 31, 2023