Paragraph Indenting.
APA (American Psychological Association) Style
APA style identifies two types of indentation: First line and hanging. First line
indentation begins to the right of where the next line begins. APA requires most
paragraphs to adhere to first line indentation. Hanging indentation places the first
line of a paragraph to the left of where the next line starts. APA recommends using
hanging indentation for reference lists. Writers should manually set the reference
position for indents to .5 inches from the left margin. Writers should double space
content that includes tables, headings, quotations, and references. The number of
indentation spaces varies depending on the style of writing. Formal presentations
should include only a few spaces of indentation, while casual content can use more
indentation spaces.
(I don't really see why APA is authoritative on paragraph indentation, but a Google
search shows several universities quoting them.
in html  $semi; plus a space gives two spaces. Not a half (0.5) inch, but I'm
not in university.
Created on 21 February 2024