Language Alphabets Box Drawing Popup


Box drawing ---------------------------------------------------------
%test = 0 '1 for test as exe, 0 for dll
#if %test
  #compile exe
  #compile dll "BoxDrawPopup.dll"
#dim all
global ghFont16, ghFont10 as dword
global gRowStr as wstring
#resource icon, 301, "BoxDraw.ico"
#resource bitmap, 302, "ClpBd22_22.bmp"
sub OutputEmpty (byval hParent as dword)
  local hOutEmpty, hFontBold as dword
  font new "Microsoft Sans Serif", 12, 1, 1, 0, 0 to hFontBold
  dialog new hParent, "", , , 66, 20, %ds_nofailcreate or %ds_setfont or _
     %ws_popup, %ws_ex_left or %ws_ex_ltrreading to hOutEmpty
  dialog set color hOutEmpty, %white, &h0000D8F4
  control add label, hOutEmpty, 1000, "The output buffer" + $$crlf + _
                                      "is already empty.", 1, 1, 64, 18, _
                                      %ss_center, %ws_ex_left
  control set color hOutEmpty, 1000, %white, &h0000D8F4
  control set font hOutEmpty, 1000, hFontBold
  sleep 250
  dialog show modeless hOutEmpty
  sleep 3000
  dialog end hOutEmpty
  font end hFontBold
end sub

'Control IDs not in callback
%ID_DblLbl = 1001
%ID_LiteLbl = 1002
%ID_HvyLbl = 1003
%ID_DblLiteLbl = 1004
%ID_HvyLiteLbl = 1005
%ID_ModeFrame = 1006
%ID_MiscLbl = 1007
%ID_DashLbl = 1008
%ID_BuiltLbl = 1009
%ID_LineTxtBx = 1010
%ID_CharCntLbl = 1011
%ID_CharCntTxtBx = 1012
'Control IDs in callback = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
%ID_DrawCharOpt = &h24FB
%ID_CharHexOpt = &h24FC
%ID_CharDecOpt = &h24FD
%ID_BackSpcBtn = &h24FE
%ID_LineToClipBdBtn = &h24FF
'Box Character buttons
'Double Light Line - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
%ID_DblDownRiteBtn = &h2554
%ID_DblHorzBtn =  &h2550
%ID_DblHorzDownBtn =  &h2566
%ID_DblDownLeftBtn  = &h2557
%ID_DblVertBtn = &h2551
%ID_DblVertRiteBtn = &h2560
%ID_DblVertLeftBtn = &h2563
%ID_DblVertHorzBtn = &h256C
%ID_DblUpRiteBtn = &h255A
%ID_DblHorzUpBtn = &h2569
%ID_DblUpLeftBtn = &h255D
'Single Light - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
%ID_LiteDownRiteBtn = &h250C
%ID_LiteHorzBtn = &h2500
%ID_LiteHorzDownBtn = &h252C
%ID_LiteDownLeftBtn = &h2510
%ID_LiteVertBtn = &h2502
%ID_LiteVertRiteBtn  = &h251C
%ID_LiteVertHorzBtn = &h253C
%ID_LiteVertLeftBtn = &h2524
%ID_LiteUpRiteBtn = &h2514
%ID_LiteHorzUpBtn = &h2534
%ID_LiteUpLeftBtn = &h2518
'Curve & stub  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
%ID_ArcDownRiteBtn = &h256D
%ID_LiteLeftStubBtn = &h2574
%ID_LiteRiteStubBtn = &h2576
%ID_ArcDownLeftBtn = &h256E
%ID_LiteUpStubBtn = &h2575
%ID_HvyUpStubBtn = &h2579
%ID_HvyDownStubBtn = &h257B
%ID_LiteDownStubBtn = &h2577
%ID_HvyLeftStubBtn = &h2578
%ID_HvyRiteStubBtn = &h257A
%ID_LiteDiagCrossBtn = &h2573
%ID_ArcUpRiteBtn = &h2570
%ID_ArcUpLeftBtn = &h256F
%ID_LiteDiagDwnRiteUpLeftBtn = &h2571
%ID_LiteDiagUpLeftDwnRiteBtn = &h2572
'Double and Light  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
%ID_DblRghtLiteDownBtn = &h2552
%ID_DblDownLiteRghtBtn = &h2553
%ID_DblHorzLiteDownBtn = &h2564
%ID_DblDownLiteHorzBtn = &h2565
%ID_DblLftLiteDownBtn = &h2555
%ID_DblDownLiteLftBtn = &h2556
%ID_DblVertLiteRght = &h255F
%ID_DblRghtLiteVert = &h255E
%ID_DblVertLiteHorzBtn = &h256B
%ID_DblHorzLiteVertBtn = &h256A
%ID_DblLeftLiteVertBtn = &h2561
%ID_DblVertLiteLftBtn = &h2562
%ID_DblRghtLiteUpBtn = &h2558
%ID_DblUpLiteRghtBtn = &h2559
%ID_DblHorzLiteUpBtn = &h2567
%ID_DblUpLiteHorzBtn = &h2568
%ID_DblLeftLiteUpBtn = &h255B
%ID_DblUpLiteLftBtn = &h255C
'Dashed Lines
%ID_Lite2DashHorzBtn = &h254C
%ID_Lite2DashVertBtn = &h254E
%ID_Lite3DashHorzBtn = &h2504
%ID_Lite3DashVertBtn = &h2506
%ID_Lite4DashHorzBtn = &h2508
%ID_Lite4DashVertBtn = &h250A
%ID_Hvy2DashHorzBtn = &h254D
%ID_Hvy2DashVertBtn = &h254F
%ID_Hvy3DashHorzBtn = &h2505
%ID_Hvy3DashVertBtn = &h2507
%ID_Hvy4DashHorzBtn = &h2509
%ID_Hvy4DashVertBtn = &h250B
'Heavy buttons
%ID_HvyDownRghtBtn = &h250F
%ID_HvyHorzBtn = &h2501
%ID_HvyHorzDownBtn = &h2533
%ID_HvyLftDownBtn = &h2513
%ID_HvyVeRiteBtn = &h2503
%ID_HvyRiteVertBtn = &h2523
%ID_HvyHorzVeRiteBtn = &h254B
%ID_HvyLeftVertBtn = &h252B
%ID_HvyRghtUpBtn = &h2517
%ID_HvyHorzUpBtn = &h253B
%ID_HvyLftUpBtn = &h251B
'Heavy and Lite combination buttons
%ID_HvyRiteLiteDownBtn = &h250D
%ID_HvyDownLiteRiteBtn = &h250E
%ID_HvyLftLiteRghtBtn = &h257E
%ID_HvyRghtLiteLftBtn = &h257C
%ID_HvyHorzLiteDownBtn = &h252F
%ID_HvyLftDownLiteRghtBtn = &h2531
%ID_HvyLftLiteRiteDownBtn = &h252D
%ID_HvyLeftLiteDownBtn = &h2511
%ID_HvyDownLiteLeftBtn = &h2512
%ID_HvyUpLiteDownBtn = &h257F
%ID_HvyDownLiteUpBtn = &h257D
%ID_HvyRiteDownLiteLeftBtn = &h2532
%ID_HvyRiteLiteLeftDownBtn = &h252E
%ID_HvyDownLiteHorzBtn = &h2530
%ID_HvyUpRiteLiteDownBtn = &h2521
%ID_HvyVertLiteRiteBtn = &h2520
%ID_HvyLeftLiteRiteVertBtn = &h253D
%ID_HvyHorzLiteLeftVertBtn = &h253E
%ID_HvyHorzLiteVertBtn = &h253F
%ID_HvyUpLiteDownHorzBtn = &h2540
%ID_HvyDownLiteUpHorzBtn = &h2541
%ID_HvyLeftLiteVertBtn = &h2525
%ID_HvyUpLiteLeftDownBtn = &h2526
%ID_HvyRiteLiteVertBtn = &h251D
%ID_HvyUpLiteRiteDownBtn = &h251E
%ID_HvyVertLiteHorzBtn = &h2542
%ID_HvyLeftUpLiteRiteDownBtn = &h2543
%ID_HvyUpRiteLiteLeftDownBtn = &h2544
%ID_HvyLeftDownLiteRiteUpBtn = &h2545
%ID_HvyRiteDownLiteLeftUpBtn = &h2546
%ID_HvyDownLiteLeftUpBtn = &h2527
%ID_HvyVertLiteLeftBtn = &h2528
%ID_HvyDownLiteRiteUpBtn = &h251F
%ID_HvyRiteDownLiteUpBtn = &h2522
%ID_HvyHorzUpLiteDownBtn = &h2547
%ID_HvyHorzDownLiteUpBtn = &h2548
%ID_HvyVertLeftLiteRiteBtn = &h2549
%ID_HvyVertRiteLiteLeftBtn = &h254A
%ID_HvyLeftUpLiteDownBtn = &h2529
%ID_HvyLeftDownLiteUpBtn = &h252A
%ID_HvyLeftLiteRiteUpBtn = &h2535
%ID_HvyRiteLiteLeftUpBtn = &h2536
%ID_HvyHorzLiteUpBtn = &h2537
%ID_HvyRiteLiteUpBtn = &h2515
%ID_HvyUpLiteRiteBtn = &h2516
%ID_HvyUpLiteHorzBtn = &h2538
%ID_HvyLeftUpLiteRiteBtn = &h2539
%ID_HvyRiteUpLiteLeftBtn = &h253A
%ID_HvyLeftLiteUpBtn = &h2519
%ID_HvyUpLiteLeftBtn = &h251A

'------------------------------------------------------------------- callback --
%CharMode = 1
%HexMode = 2
%DecMode = 3
callback function BoxDrawDlgCB() as long
  static ClipBdMode, CharCnt as long
  local TmpStr as wstring
  if cb.msg = %wm_command then
    select case as long cb.ctl
      case %ID_DrawCharOpt '.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  To ClipBd Options .  .
        gosub EnableDrawButtons
        ClipBdMode = %CharMode
      case %ID_CharHexOpt
        gosub EnableDrawButtons
        ClipBdMode = %HexMode
      case %ID_CharDecOpt
        gosub EnableDrawButtons
        ClipBdMode = %DecMode
      case %ID_BackSpcBtn ' .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .   Bachspace  .  .
        if (cb.ctlmsg = %bn_clicked) then
          if CharCnt then
            decr CharCnt
            clipboard reset
            if CharCnt = 0 then 'zero due to this click of Backspace
              gRowStr = ""
              control set text cb.hndl, %ID_CharCntTxtBx, "0"
              control set text cb.hndl, %ID_LineTxtBx, ""
            else 'still something for output
              control set text cb.hndl, %ID_CharCntTxtBx, dec$(CharCnt)
              control get text cb.hndl, %ID_LineTxtBx to TmpStr
              control set text cb.hndl, %ID_LineTxtBx, left$(TmpStr, -1)
              if ClipBdMode = 1 then
                gRowStr = left$(gRowStr, -1)
              else 'ClipBdMode is 2 or 3
                gRowStr = left$(gRowStr, (instr(-1, gRowStr, ",")) - 1)
              end if
            end if
          else 'CharCnt zero from previous click of Backspace (or new start) - -
            OutputEmpty (cb.hndl) 'so BEEP and short Popup message
          end if
        end if
      case %ID_LineToClipBdBtn '  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .   ClipBoard button .  .
        clipboard set text gRowStr
        gRowStr = ""
        CharCnt = 0
        control set text cb.hndl, %ID_CharCntTxtBx, "0"
        control set text cb.hndl, %ID_LineTxtBx, ""
      case %ID_LiteHorzBtn to %ID_HvyUpLiteDownBtn '.  .  Draw Char Buttons .  .
        control get text cb.hndl, %ID_LineTxtBx to TmpStr
        control set text cb.hndl, %ID_LineTxtBx, TmpStr + chr$$(cb.ctl)
        incr CharCnt
        control set text cb.hndl, %ID_CharCntTxtBx, dec$(CharCnt)
        if (CharCnt > 1) and (ClipBdMode > 1) then
          gRowStr += ", "
        end if
        select case const ClipBdMode
          case %CharMode
            gRowStr += chr$$(cb.ctl)
            clipboard set text chr$$(cb.ctl)
          case %HexMode
            gRowStr += hex$(cb.ctl, 4)
            clipboard set text hex$(cb.ctl, 4)
          case %DecMode
            gRowStr += dec$(cb.ctl)
            clipboard set text dec$(cb.ctl)
        end select
    end select
  end if
  exit function
    'temporary use of ClipBdMode for current button ID
    for ClipBdMode = %ID_LiteHorzBtn to %ID_HvyUpLiteDownBtn
      control enable cb.hndl, ClipBdMode
end function
%CharButSzX = 8
%Col1  = 4
%Col2  = %Col1 + %CharButSzX
%Col3  = %Col2 + %CharButSzX
%Col4  = %Col3 + %CharButSzX
%Col5  = %Col4 + %CharButSzX
%Col6  = %Col5 + %CharButSzX
%Col7  = %Col6 + %CharButSzX
%Col8  = %Col7 + %CharButSzX
%Col9  = %Col8 + %CharButSzX
%Col10 = %Col9 + %CharButSzX
%Col11 = %Col10 + %CharButSzX
%Col12 = %Col11 + %CharButSzX
%Col13 = %Col12 + %CharButSzX
%Col14 = %Col13 + %CharButSzX
%Col15 = %Col14 + %CharButSzX
%Col16 = %Col15 + %CharButSzX
%Col17 = %Col16 + %CharButSzX
%Col18 = %Col17 + %CharButSzX
%Col19 = %Col18 + %CharButSzX
%CharButSzY = 12
%Row1 = 41
%Row2 = %Row1 + %CharButSzY
%Row3 = %Row2 + %CharButSzY
%Row4 = %Row3 + %CharButSzY
%Row5 = %Row4 + %CharButSzY
%Row6 = %Row5 + %CharButSzY
%Row7 = %Row6 + %CharButSzY
%Row8 = %Row7 + %CharButSzY
%Row9 = %Row8 + %CharButSzY
%Row10 = %Row9 + %CharButSzY
%Row11 = %Row10 + %CharButSzY
%Row12 = %Row11 + %CharButSzY
%DrawButStyle = %bs_center or %bs_vcenter or %ws_disabled or %ws_tabstop

sub DrawCharDlg alias "DrawCharDlg" (byval hBoxDrawDlgt as dword, _
                                     byval DlgPosX as long, _
                                     byval DlgPosY as long, _
                                     byval DlgSzX as long, _
                                     byval DlgSzY as long) export
  local hBoxDrawDlg as dword
  #if %Test
  dialog new 0, "Box Drawing", , , 160, 220, %ds_3dlook or %ds_modalframe or _
     %ds_nofailcreate or %ds_setfont or %ws_caption or %ws_clipsiblings or _
     %ws_dlgframe or %ws_minimizebox or %ws_popup or %ws_sysmenu, _
     %ws_ex_left or %ws_ex_ltrreading or %ws_ex_rightscrollbar to hBoxDrawDlg
    dialog new 0, "Box Drawing", DlgPosX + 20, 220 - DlgSzY + DlgPosY , 160, 220, _
    %ds_3dlook or %ds_modalframe or %ds_nofailcreate or %ds_setfont or _
    %ws_caption or %ws_clipsiblings or %ws_dlgframe or %ws_minimizebox or _
    %ws_popup or %ws_sysmenu, %ws_ex_left or %ws_ex_ltrreading or _
    %ws_ex_rightscrollbar to hBoxDrawDlg

  dialog set icon hBoxDrawDlg, "#301"
 ' control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_ExitBtn, "Exit", 2, 2, 20, 15
  '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  control add option, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_DrawCharOpt, "The Draw Characters", _
     5, 10, 76, 9, %bs_left or %bs_top or %ws_group or %ws_tabstop, %ws_ex_left
  control add option, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_CharHexOpt, "Hex Of Characters", _
     86, 10, 69, 9
  control add option, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_CharDecOpt, "Decimal Of Characters", _
     5, 19, 79, 9
   control add frame, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_ModeFrame, "Mode For Setting Clipboard", _
     2, 1, 156, 28, %bs_left or %bs_top or %bs_groupbox or %ws_group, _
  '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Double Light .
  control add label, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_DblLbl, " Double", _
     %Col1, %Row1 - 9, %CharButSzX * 4, 9
  ' .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  Row 1 .  .
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_DblDownRiteBtn, chr$$(&h2554), _
     %Col1, %Row1, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_DblDownRiteBtn, ghFont16
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_DblHorzBtn, chr$$(&h2550), _
     %Col2, %Row1, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_DblHorzBtn, ghFont16
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_DblHorzDownBtn, chr$$(&h2566), _
     %Col3, %Row1, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_DblHorzDownBtn, ghFont16
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_DblDownLeftBtn, chr$$(&h2557), _
     %Col4, %Row1, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_DblDownLeftBtn, ghFont16
  ' .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  Row 2 .  .
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_DblVertBtn, chr$$(&h2551), _
     %Col1, %Row2, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_DblVertBtn, ghFont16
     'no Col2, 3 or 4
  ' .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  Row 3 .  .
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_DblVertRiteBtn, chr$$(&h2560), _
     %Col1, %Row3, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_DblVertRiteBtn, ghFont16
     'no Col 2
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_DblVertHorzBtn, chr$$(&h256C), _
     %Col3, %Row3, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_DblVertHorzBtn, ghFont16
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_DblVertLeftBtn, chr$$(&h2563), _
     %Col4, %Row3, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_DblVertLeftBtn, ghFont16
  ' .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  Row 4 .  .
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_DblUpRiteBtn, chr$$(&h255A), _
     %Col1, %Row4, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_DblUpRiteBtn, ghFont16
     'no Col2
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_DblHorzUpBtn, chr$$(&h2569), _
     %Col3, %Row4, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_DblHorzUpBtn, ghFont16
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_DblUpLeftBtn, chr$$(&h255D), _
     %Col4, %Row4, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_DblUpLeftBtn, ghFont16
  '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Single Light .
  control add label, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_LiteLbl, " Light", _
     %Col6, %Row1 - 9, %CharButSzX * 4, 9
  ' .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  Row 1 .  .
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_LiteDownRiteBtn, chr$$(&h250C), _
     %Col6 , %Row1, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_LiteDownRiteBtn, ghFont16
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_LiteHorzBtn, chr$$(&h2500), _
     %Col7, %Row1, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_LiteHorzBtn, ghFont16
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_LiteHorzDownBtn, chr$$(&h252C), _
     %Col8, %Row1, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_LiteHorzDownBtn, ghFont16
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_LiteDownLeftBtn, chr$$(&h2510), _
     %Col9, %Row1, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_LiteDownLeftBtn, ghFont16
  ' .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  Row 2 .  .
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_LiteVertBtn, chr$$(&h2502), _
     %Col6, %Row2, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
  control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_LiteVertBtn, ghFont16
     'no Col7, 8 or 9
  ' .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  Row 3 .  .
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_LiteVertRiteBtn, chr$$(&h251C), _
     %Col6, %Row3, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_LiteVertRiteBtn, ghFont16
     'no Col7
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_LiteVertHorzBtn, chr$$(&h253C), _
     %Col8, %Row3, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_LiteVertHorzBtn, ghFont16
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_LiteVertLeftBtn, chr$$(&h2524), _
     %Col9, %Row3, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_LiteVertLeftBtn, ghFont16
  ' .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  Row 4 .  .
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_LiteUpRiteBtn, chr$$(&h2514), _
     %Col6, %Row4, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_LiteUpRiteBtn, ghFont16
     'no Col7
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_LiteHorzUpBtn, chr$$(&h2534), _
     %Col8, %Row4, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_LiteHorzUpBtn, ghFont16
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_LiteUpLeftBtn, chr$$(&h2518), _
     %Col9, %Row4, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_LiteUpLeftBtn, ghFont16
  '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Single Heavy .
  control add label, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyLbl, " Heavy", _
     %Col11, %Row1 - 9, %CharButSzX * 4, 9
  ' .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  Row 1 .  .
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyDownRghtBtn, chr$$(&h250F), _
     %Col11 , %Row1, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyDownRghtBtn, ghFont16
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyHorzBtn, chr$$(&h2501), _
     %Col12, %Row1, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyHorzBtn, ghFont16
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyHorzDownBtn, chr$$(&h2533), _
     %Col13, %Row1, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyHorzDownBtn, ghFont16
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyLftDownBtn, chr$$(&h2513), _
     %Col14, %Row1, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyLftDownBtn, ghFont16
  ' .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  Row 2 .  .
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyVeRiteBtn, chr$$(&h2503), _
     %Col11, %Row2, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyVeRiteBtn, ghFont16
     'no Col12, 13 or 14
  ' .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  Row 3 .  .
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyRiteVertBtn, chr$$(&h2523), _
     %Col11, %Row3, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyRiteVertBtn, ghFont16
     'no Col12
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyHorzVeRiteBtn, chr$$(&h254B), _
     %Col13, %Row3, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyHorzVeRiteBtn, ghFont16
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyLeftVertBtn, chr$$(&h252B), _
     %Col14, %Row3, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyLeftVertBtn, ghFont16
  ' .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  Row 4 .  .
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyRghtUpBtn, chr$$(&h2517), _
     %Col11, %Row4, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyRghtUpBtn, ghFont16
     'no Col12
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyHorzUpBtn, chr$$(&h253B), _
     %Col13, %Row4, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyHorzUpBtn, ghFont16
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyLftUpBtn, chr$$(&h251B), _
     %Col14, %Row4, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyLftUpBtn, ghFont16
  '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Misc, (curve & stub) .
  control add label, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_MiscLbl, " Misc.", _
     %Col16, %Row1 - 9, %CharButSzX * 4, 9
  ' .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  Row 1 .  .
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_ArcDownRiteBtn, chr$$(&h256D), _
     %Col16, %Row1, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_ArcDownRiteBtn, ghFont16
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_LiteLeftStubBtn, chr$$(&h2574), _
     %Col17, %Row1, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_LiteLeftStubBtn, ghFont16
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_LiteRiteStubBtn, chr$$(&h2576), _
     %Col18, %Row1, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_LiteRiteStubBtn, ghFont16
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_ArcDownLeftBtn, chr$$(&h256E), _
     %Col19, %Row1, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_ArcDownLeftBtn, ghFont16
  ' .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  Row 2 .  .
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_LiteUpStubBtn, chr$$(&h2575), _
     %Col16, %Row2, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_LiteUpStubBtn, ghFont16
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyUpStubBtn, chr$$(&h2579), _
     %Col17, %Row2, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyUpStubBtn, ghFont16
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyDownStubBtn, chr$$(&h257B), _
     %Col18, %Row2, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyDownStubBtn, ghFont16
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_LiteDownStubBtn, chr$$(&h2577), _
     %Col19, %Row2, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_LiteDownStubBtn, ghFont16
  ' .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  Row 3 .  .
     'no Col17
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyLeftStubBtn, chr$$(&h2578), _
     %Col17, %Row3, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyLeftStubBtn, ghFont16
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyRiteStubBtn, chr$$(&h257A), _
     %Col18, %Row3, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyRiteStubBtn, ghFont16
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_LiteDiagCrossBtn, chr$$(&h2573), _
     %Col19, %Row3, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_LiteDiagCrossBtn, ghFont16
  ' .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  Row 4 .  .
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_ArcUpRiteBtn, chr$$(&h2570), _
     %Col16, %Row4, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_ArcUpRiteBtn, ghFont16
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_LiteDiagDwnRiteUpLeftBtn, chr$$(&h2571), _
     %Col17, %Row4, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_LiteDiagDwnRiteUpLeftBtn, ghFont16
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_LiteDiagUpLeftDwnRiteBtn, chr$$(&h2572), _
     %Col18, %Row4, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_LiteDiagUpLeftDwnRiteBtn, ghFont16
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_ArcUpLeftBtn, chr$$(&h256F), _
     %Col19, %Row4, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_ArcUpLeftBtn, ghFont16
  '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Double Light / Light Combine .
  control add label, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_DblLiteLbl, " Double & Light", _
     %Col1, %Row6 - 9, %CharButSzX * 7, 9, %ss_left or %ss_noprefix, %ws_ex_left
  ' .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  First is Row 6 .  .
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_DblRghtLiteDownBtn, chr$$(&h2552), _
     %Col1, %Row6, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_DblRghtLiteDownBtn, ghFont16
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_DblDownLiteRghtBtn, chr$$(&h2553), _
     %Col2, %Row6, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_DblDownLiteRghtBtn, ghFont16
     'no Col3
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_DblHorzLiteDownBtn, chr$$(&h2564), _
     %Col4, %Row6, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_DblHorzLiteDownBtn, ghFont16
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_DblDownLiteHorzBtn, chr$$(&h2565), _
     %Col5, %Row6, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_DblDownLiteHorzBtn, ghFont16
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_DblLftLiteDownBtn, chr$$(&h2555), _
     %Col6, %Row6, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_DblLftLiteDownBtn, ghFont16
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_DblDownLiteLftBtn, chr$$(&h2556), _
     %Col7, %Row6, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_DblDownLiteLftBtn, ghFont16
  ' .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  no Row 7
  ' .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  Row 8 .  .
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_DblRghtLiteVert, chr$$(&h255E), _
     %Col1, %Row8, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
  control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_DblRghtLiteVert, ghFont16
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_DblVertLiteRght, chr$$(&h255F), _
     %Col2, %Row8, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
  control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_DblVertLiteRght, ghFont16
    'no Col3
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_DblHorzLiteVertBtn, chr$$(&h256A), _
     %Col4, %Row8, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_DblHorzLiteVertBtn, ghFont16
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_DblVertLiteHorzBtn, chr$$(&h256B), _
     %Col5, %Row8, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_DblVertLiteHorzBtn, ghFont16
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_DblLeftLiteVertBtn, chr$$(&h2561), _
     %Col6, %Row8, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_DblLeftLiteVertBtn, ghFont16
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_DblVertLiteLftBtn, chr$$(&h2562), _
     %Col7, %Row8, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_DblVertLiteLftBtn, ghFont16
  ' .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  Row 9 .  .
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_DblRghtLiteUpBtn, chr$$(&h2558), _
     %Col1, %Row9, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_DblRghtLiteUpBtn, ghFont16
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_DblUpLiteRghtBtn, chr$$(&h2559), _
     %Col2, %Row9, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_DblUpLiteRghtBtn, ghFont16
    'no Col3
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_DblHorzLiteUpBtn, chr$$(&h2567), _
     %Col4, %Row9, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_DblHorzLiteUpBtn, ghFont16
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_DblUpLiteHorzBtn, chr$$(&h2568), _
     %Col5, %Row9, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_DblUpLiteHorzBtn, ghFont16
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_DblLeftLiteUpBtn, chr$$(&h255B), _
     %Col6, %Row9, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_DblLeftLiteUpBtn, ghFont16
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_DblUpLiteLftBtn, chr$$(&h255C), _
     %Col7, %Row9, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_DblUpLiteLftBtn, ghFont16
  '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Dashed Lines .
  control add label, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_DashLbl, " Dashed Lines", _
     %Col1, %Row11 - 9, %CharButSzX * 6, 9
  ' .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . Row 11 .  .
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_Lite2DashHorzBtn, chr$$(&h254C), _
     %Col1, %Row11, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_Lite2DashHorzBtn, ghFont16
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_Lite2DashVertBtn, chr$$(&h254E), _
     %Col2, %Row11, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_Lite2DashVertBtn, ghFont16
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_Lite3DashHorzBtn, chr$$(&h2504), _
     %Col3, %Row11, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_Lite3DashHorzBtn, ghFont16
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_Lite3DashVertBtn, chr$$(&h2506), _
     %Col4, %Row11, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_Lite3DashVertBtn, ghFont16
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_Lite4DashHorzBtn, chr$$(&h2508), _
     %Col5, %Row11, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_Lite4DashHorzBtn, ghFont16
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_Lite4DashVertBtn, chr$$(&h250A), _
     %Col6, %Row11, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_Lite4DashVertBtn, ghFont16
  ' .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . Row 12 .  .
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_Hvy2DashHorzBtn, chr$$(&h254D), _
     %Col1, %Row12, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_Hvy2DashHorzBtn, ghFont16
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_Hvy2DashVertBtn, chr$$(&h254F), _
     %Col2, %Row12, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_Hvy2DashVertBtn, ghFont16
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_Hvy3DashHorzBtn, chr$$(&h2505), _
     %Col3, %Row12, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_Hvy3DashHorzBtn, ghFont16
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_Hvy3DashVertBtn, chr$$(&h2507), _
     %Col4, %Row12, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_Hvy3DashVertBtn, ghFont16
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_Hvy4DashHorzBtn, chr$$(&h2509), _
     %Col5, %Row12, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_Hvy4DashHorzBtn, ghFont16
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_Hvy4DashVertBtn, chr$$(&h250B), _
     %Col6, %Row12, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_Hvy4DashVertBtn, ghFont16
  '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Heavy / Light Combine .
  control add label, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyLiteLbl, " Heavy & Light", _
     %Col9, %Row6 - 9, %CharButSzX * 7, 9, %ss_left or %ss_noprefix, %ws_ex_left
  ' .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  Row 6 .  .
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyRiteLiteDownBtn, chr$$(&h250D), _
     %Col9, %Row6, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyRiteLiteDownBtn, ghFont16
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyDownLiteRiteBtn, chr$$(&h250E),_
     %Col10, %Row6, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyDownLiteRiteBtn, ghFont16
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyLftLiteRghtBtn, chr$$(&h257E), _
     %Col11, %Row6, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyLftLiteRghtBtn, ghFont16
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg,  %ID_HvyRghtLiteLftBtn, chr$$(&h257C), _
     %Col12, %Row6, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyRghtLiteLftBtn, ghFont16
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyHorzLiteDownBtn, chr$$(&h252F), _
     %Col13, %Row6, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyHorzLiteDownBtn, ghFont16
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyLftDownLiteRghtBtn, chr$$(&h2531), _
     %Col14, %Row6, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyLftDownLiteRghtBtn, ghFont16
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyLftLiteRiteDownBtn, chr$$(&h252D), _
     %Col15, %Row6, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyLftLiteRiteDownBtn, ghFont16
     'no Col16 or 17
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyLeftLiteDownBtn, chr$$(&h2511), _
     %Col18, %Row6, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyLeftLiteDownBtn, ghFont16
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyDownLiteLeftBtn, chr$$(&h2512), _
     %Col19, %Row6, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyDownLiteLeftBtn, ghFont16
  ' .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  Row 7 .  .
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyUpLiteDownBtn, chr$$(&h257F), _
     %Col9, %Row7, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyUpLiteDownBtn, ghFont16
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyDownLiteUpBtn, chr$$(&h257D), _
     %Col10, %Row7, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyDownLiteUpBtn, ghFont16
      'no Col11 or 12
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyRiteDownLiteLeftBtn, chr$$(&h2532), _
     %Col13, %Row7, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyRiteDownLiteLeftBtn, ghFont16
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyRiteLiteLeftDownBtn, chr$$(&h252E), _
     %Col14, %Row7, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyRiteLiteLeftDownBtn, ghFont16
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyDownLiteHorzBtn, chr$$(&h2530), _
     %Col15, %Row7, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyDownLiteHorzBtn, ghFont16
     'no Col16, 17, 18 or 19
  ' .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  Row 8 .  .
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyUpRiteLiteDownBtn, chr$$(&h2521), _
      %Col9, %Row8, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyUpRiteLiteDownBtn, ghFont16
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyVertLiteRiteBtn, chr$$(&h2520), _
      %Col10, %Row8, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyVertLiteRiteBtn, ghFont16
     'no Col11 or 12
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyLeftLiteRiteVertBtn, chr$$(&h253D), _
     %Col13, %Row8, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyLeftLiteRiteVertBtn, ghFont16
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyHorzLiteLeftVertBtn, chr$$(&h253E), _
     %Col14, %Row8, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyHorzLiteLeftVertBtn, ghFont16
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyHorzLiteVertBtn, chr$$(&h253F), _
     %Col15, %Row8, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyHorzLiteVertBtn, ghFont16
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyUpLiteDownHorzBtn, chr$$(&h2540), _
     %Col16, %Row8, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyUpLiteDownHorzBtn, ghFont16
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyDownLiteUpHorzBtn, chr$$(&h2541), _
     %Col17, %Row8, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyDownLiteUpHorzBtn, ghFont16
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyLeftLiteVertBtn, chr$$(&h2525), _
     %Col18, %Row8, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyLeftLiteVertBtn, ghFont16
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyUpLiteLeftDownBtn, chr$$(&h2526), _
     %Col19, %Row8, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyUpLiteLeftDownBtn, ghFont16
  ' .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  Row 9 .  .
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyRiteLiteVertBtn, chr$$(&h251D), _
     %Col9, %Row9, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyRiteLiteVertBtn, ghFont16
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyUpLiteRiteDownBtn, chr$$(&h251E), _
     %Col10, %Row9, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyUpLiteRiteDownBtn, ghFont16
     'no Col11 or 12
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyVertLiteHorzBtn, chr$$(&h2542), _
     %Col13, %Row9, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyVertLiteHorzBtn, ghFont16
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyLeftUpLiteRiteDownBtn, chr$$(&h2543), _
     %Col14, %Row9, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyLeftUpLiteRiteDownBtn, ghFont16
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyUpRiteLiteLeftDownBtn, chr$$(&h2544), _
     %Col15, %Row9, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyUpRiteLiteLeftDownBtn, ghFont16
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyLeftDownLiteRiteUpBtn, chr$$(&h2545), _
     %Col16, %Row9, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyLeftDownLiteRiteUpBtn, ghFont16
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyRiteDownLiteLeftUpBtn, chr$$(&h2546), _
     %Col17, %Row9, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyRiteDownLiteLeftUpBtn, ghFont16
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyDownLiteLeftUpBtn, chr$$(&h2527), _
     %Col18, %Row9, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyDownLiteLeftUpBtn, ghFont16
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyVertLiteLeftBtn, chr$$(&h2528), _
     %Col19, %Row9, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyVertLiteLeftBtn, ghFont16
  ' .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . Row 10 .  .
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyDownLiteRiteUpBtn, chr$$(&h251F), _
     %Col9, %Row10, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyDownLiteRiteUpBtn, ghFont16
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyRiteDownLiteUpBtn, chr$$(&h2522), _
     %Col10, %Row10, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyRiteDownLiteUpBtn, ghFont16
     'no Col11 or 12
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyHorzUpLiteDownBtn, chr$$(&h2547), _
     %Col13, %Row10, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyHorzUpLiteDownBtn, ghFont16
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyHorzDownLiteUpBtn, chr$$(&h2548), _
     %Col14, %Row10, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyHorzDownLiteUpBtn, ghFont16
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyVertLeftLiteRiteBtn, chr$$(&h2549), _
     %Col15, %Row10, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyVertLeftLiteRiteBtn, ghFont16
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyVertRiteLiteLeftBtn, chr$$(&h254A), _
     %Col16, %Row10, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyVertRiteLiteLeftBtn, ghFont16
     'no Col17
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyLeftUpLiteDownBtn, chr$$(&h2529), _
     %Col18, %Row10, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyLeftUpLiteDownBtn, ghFont16
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyLeftDownLiteUpBtn, chr$$(&h252A), _
     %Col19, %Row10, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyLeftDownLiteUpBtn, ghFont16
  ' .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . Row 11 .  .
     'no Col9, 10, 11 or 12
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyLeftLiteRiteUpBtn, chr$$(&h2535), _
     %Col13, %Row11, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyLeftLiteRiteUpBtn, ghFont16
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyRiteLiteLeftUpBtn, chr$$(&h2536), _
     %Col14, %Row11, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyRiteLiteLeftUpBtn, ghFont16
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyHorzLiteUpBtn, chr$$(&h2537), _
     %Col15, %Row11, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyHorzLiteUpBtn, ghFont16
     'no Col16, 17, 18 or 19
  ' .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . Row 12 .  .
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyRiteLiteUpBtn, chr$$(&h2515), _
     %Col9, %Row12, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyRiteLiteUpBtn, ghFont16
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyUpLiteRiteBtn, chr$$(&h2516), _
     %Col10, %Row12, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyUpLiteRiteBtn, ghFont16
     'no Col11 or 12
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyUpLiteHorzBtn, chr$$(&h2538), _
     %Col13, %Row12, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyUpLiteHorzBtn, ghFont16
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyLeftUpLiteRiteBtn, chr$$(&h2539), _
     %Col14, %Row12, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyLeftUpLiteRiteBtn, ghFont16
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyRiteUpLiteLeftBtn, chr$$(&h253A), _
     %Col15, %Row12, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyRiteUpLiteLeftBtn, ghFont16
     'no Col16 or 17
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyLeftLiteUpBtn, chr$$(&h2519), _
     %Col18, %Row12, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyLeftLiteUpBtn, ghFont16
  control add button, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyUpLiteLeftBtn, chr$$(&h251A), _
     %Col19, %Row12, %CharButSzX, %CharButSzY, %DrawButStyle, %ws_ex_left
    control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_HvyUpLiteLeftBtn, ghFont16
  '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

  control add label, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_BuiltLbl, chr$$(32, &h21D3) + " Built Line", _
     4, 197, 37, 9
  control add label, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_CharCntLbl, "Char Count " + chr$$(&h21D2), _
     48, 193, 43, 9
  control add textbox, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_CharCntTxtBx, "", _
     92, 193, 20, 10
  control add button,  hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_BackSpcBtn, "Backspace", _
     118, 191, 38, 11
  control add textbox, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_LineTxtBx, "" , 4, 206, 139, 10

  control set font hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_LineTxtBx, ghFont10
  control add imgbuttonx, hBoxDrawDlg, %ID_LineToClipBdBtn, "#302", 145, 205, 11, 11

  '- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  dialog show modal hBoxDrawDlg call BoxDrawDlgCB
end sub
' Main DLL entry
#if %test   '
function pbmain () as long
  dialog default font "Microsoft Sans Serif", 12, 0, 1
  font new "Consolas", 16, 0, 1, 0, 0 to ghFont16
  font new "Consolas", 10, 0, 1, 0, 0 to ghFont10
  DrawCharDlg 0
  font end ghFont16
  font end ghFont10

end function
function libmain (byval hInstance   as long, _
                  byval fwdReason   as long, _
                  byval lpvReserved as long) as long
  select case fwdReason
      'ghInstance = hInstance
      dialog default font "Microsoft Sans Serif", 12, 0, 1
      font new "Consolas", 16, 0, 1, 0, 0 to ghFont16
      font new "Consolas", 10, 0, 1, 0, 0 to ghFont10
      if ghFont16 and ghFont10 then
        function = 1   'success!
      end if
      font end ghFont16
      font end ghFont10
      function = 1   'success!
    case 2 '%DLL_THREAD_ATTACH
      function = 1   'success!
    case 3 '%DLL_THREAD_DETACH
      function = 1   'success!
  end select
end function

Created on 15 Oct 2021; last edit 15 Oct 2021