This popup library comes in six files. I didn't know it would be this large. At the the start I wanted the Euro and Turkish Lira symbols an American English keyboard does not have. Then a complete list of symbols made sense.
Goto bookmark for:
CurrencyPopup.bas LIBMAIN, dialog and CALLBACK
code. part of
CALLBACK function. Currency names for
combobox list. ISO currency codes for
combobox list. Country names for
combobox list. Has an ASMDATA block
for each currency.
#compile dll "CurrencyPopup.dll" #dim all #resource icon 101, "Currency.ico" #resource bitmap, 201, ".\ClpBd22_22.bmp" global ghParent as dword 'Control IDs =================================================================== 'Active controls %ID_ByCurrencyNameOpt = &h405 %ID_ByCountryNameOpt = &h406 %ID_ByISO_CodeOpt = &h407 '... %ID_CrncySelCmboBx = &h400 %ID_ISOCodeClpBdBtn = &h401 %ID_SymblCharClpBdBtn = &h402 %ID_SymblHexClpBdBtn = &h403 %ID_SymblDecClpBdBtn = &h404 '... 'Read only and static %ID_SelectByFrm = &h410 %ID_SelCmboBxLbl = &h411 %ID_ISOCodeLbl = &h412 %ID_ISOCodeTxtBx = &h403 %ID_CrncySymbolLbl1 = &h414 %ID_CrncySymbolTxtBx = &h415 %ID_CrncySymblLbl2 = &h416 %ID_ValOfSymblLbl = &h417 %ID_SymbolDecLbl = &h418 %ID_SymblHexTxtBx = &h419 %ID_SymbolHex16Lbl = &h41A %ID_SymblDecTxtBx = &h41B %ID_SymbolDec10Lbl = &h41C %ID_RemarksLbl = &h41D %ID_RemarksTxtBx = &h41E %UM_CrncyPop = %wm_user + 500 %USC_User = &h1000?? %USC_Handle = &h10100000??? '=============================================================================== callback function CrncyDlgCB() as long local SelNum, ISOindx, CharCnt, LineCnt, CurLine as long local pISO_Symbol, pListDat as dword local TmpStr, TmpStr2 as wstring if cb.msg = %wm_command then 'no selection highlight on startup select case as const cb.ctl case %ID_CrncySelCmboBx if cb.ctlmsg = %cbn_closeup then combobox get select cb.hndl, %ID_CrncySelCmboBx to SelNum combobox get user cb.hndl, %ID_CrncySelCmboBx, SelNum to ISOindx #include "" CharCnt = peek(word, pISO_Symbol) ' . . . . . . get count of code pISO_Symbol += 2 '. . . . . . . . . . . . point to the code control set text cb.hndl, %ID_ISOCodeTxtBx, _ peek$$(pISO_Symbol, CharCnt) '. . . . . . . . . . get code pISO_Symbol += CharCnt * 2 ' . . . . . point to count of symbol CharCnt = peek(integer, pISO_Symbol) ' . . . . get count of symbol pISO_Symbol += 2 '. . . . . . . . . . . . point to symbol TmpStr = peek$$(pISO_Symbol, CharCnt) '. . . . . . . get symbol control set text cb.hndl, %ID_CrncySymbolTxtBx, TmpStr if lcase$(TmpStr) = "(none)" then control set text cb.hndl, %ID_SymblHexTxtBx, "" control set text cb.hndl, %ID_SymblDecTxtBx, "" else for SelNum = 1 to CharCnt TmpStr2 += hex$(asc(TmpStr, SelNum), 4) + ", " next TmpStr2 = rtrim$(TmpStr2, any ", ") control set text cb.hndl, %ID_SymblHexTxtBx, TmpStr2 TmpStr2 = "" for SelNum = 1 to CharCnt TmpStr2 += dec$(asc(TmpStr, SelNum)) + ", " next TmpStr2 = rtrim$(TmpStr2, any ", ") control set text cb.hndl, %ID_SymblDecTxtBx, TmpStr2 end if pISO_Symbol += CharCnt * 2 ' . . . . . point to count of remarks CharCnt = peek(integer, pISO_Symbol) ' . . . . get count of remarks if CharCnt = 0 then control set text cb.hndl, %ID_RemarksTxtBx, "" exit function else pISO_Symbol += 2 ' . . . . . . . . . . . point to remarks control set text cb.hndl, %ID_RemarksTxtBx, _ peek$$(pISO_Symbol, CharCnt) ' . . . . . . . . get remarks end if end if case %ID_ISOCodeClpBdBtn control get text cb.hndl, %ID_ISOCodeClpBdBtn to TmpStr clipboard set text TmpStr case %ID_SymblCharClpBdBtn control get text cb.hndl, %ID_CrncySymbolTxtBx to TmpStr clipboard set text TmpStr case %ID_SymblHexClpBdBtn control get text cb.hndl, %ID_SymblHexTxtBx to TmpStr clipboard set text TmpStr case %ID_SymblDecClpBdBtn control get text cb.hndl, %ID_SymblDecTxtBx to TmpStr clipboard set text TmpStr case %ID_ByCurrencyNameOpt if cb.ctlmsg = %bn_clicked then pListDat = codeptr(CurrenciesList) gosub ComboBoxItems control enable cb.hndl, %ID_SelCmboBxLbl control enable cb.hndl, %ID_CrncySelCmboBx end if case %ID_ByCountryNameOpt if cb.ctlmsg = %bn_clicked then pListDat = codeptr(CountriesList) gosub ComboBoxItems control enable cb.hndl, %ID_SelCmboBxLbl control enable cb.hndl, %ID_CrncySelCmboBx end if case %ID_ByISO_CodeOpt if cb.ctlmsg = %bn_clicked then pListDat = codeptr(ISOCodeList) gosub ComboBoxItems control enable cb.hndl, %ID_SelCmboBxLbl control enable cb.hndl, %ID_CrncySelCmboBx end if end select elseif cb.msg = %UM_CrncyPop and hi(word, cb.wparam) = %sc_close then dialog end cb.hndl end if '- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - exit function 'don't "fall" into subroutine ComboboxItems: combobox reset cb.hndl, %ID_CrncySelCmboBx TmpStr = "" LineCnt = peek(long, pListDat) pListDat += 4 for CurLine = 1 to LineCnt CharCnt = peek(integer, pListDat) TmpStr += str$(CharCnt) + $$crlf pListDat += 2 combobox insert cb.hndl, %ID_CrncySelCmboBx, CurLine, _ peek$$(pListDat, CharCnt) pListDat += CharCnt * 2 combobox set user cb.hndl, %ID_CrncySelCmboBx, CurLine, _ peek(integer, pListDat) pListDat += 2 next return end function '=============================================================================== 'Dialog size, control positions and sizes. %TBSz_Y = 11 %LblSz_Y = 9 %ByNameGpPos_Y = 5 %ByFramePos_Y = 4 ' %CmboBxLblPos_Y = 41 ' %ByFramePos_Y + 32 + 5 'done %CmboBxPos_Y = %CmboBxLblPos_Y + %LblSz_Y 'done ' %Row1_LblPos_Y = %CmboBxPos_Y + 17 %Row1_BTN_TBxPos_Y = %Row1_LblPos_Y + %LblSz_Y ' %Row2_LblPos_Y = %Row1_BTN_TBxPos_Y + %TBSz_Y + 5 %Row2_Btn_TBx_Y = %Row2_LblPos_Y + %LblSz_Y ' %Row3_LblPos_Y = %Row2_LblPos_Y + %TBSz_Y + 5 %Row3_Btn_TBx_Pos_Y = %Row3_LblPos_Y + %LblSz_Y ' '%SymblRowPos_Y = %SymblLbl1Pos_Y + %LblSz_Y ' '%ValLbl1Pos_Y = %SymblRowPos_Y + %TBSz_Y + 6 '%ValRowPos_Y = %ValLbl1Pos_Y + %LblSz_Y '%ValLbl2Pos_Y = %ValRowPos_Y + %TBSz_Y + 5 '%DecTxtBxPos_Y = %ValLbl2Pos_Y + %LblSz_Y %RemLblPos_Y = %Row2_Btn_TBx_Y + %TBSz_Y + 5 %RemTxtBxPos_Y = %RemLblPos_Y + %LblSz_Y %CrncyDlgSz_X = 141 %CrncyFullSz_X = %CrncyDlgSz_X - 11 '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . control position X . %SymTxtBxPos_X = %CrncyDlgSz_X - 36 '(30 bx width and 6 right margin) %SymClpBdPos_X = %SymTxtBxPos_X - 12 %CurDlgSzY = 200 %CurSzX = 70 %DlgStyle = %ds_3dlook or %ds_nofailcreate or %ds_setfont or %ws_caption or _ %ws_clipsiblings or %ws_dlgframe or %ws_minimizebox or _ %ws_sysmenu or %ws_popup %DlgExStyle = %ws_ex_left or %ws_ex_ltrreading or %ws_ex_rightscrollbar %TBS_CenterReadOnly = %es_center or %es_multiline or %es_wantreturn or _ %ws_border or %es_readonly %TBS_RightJusReadOnly = %es_right or %es_multiline or %es_wantreturn or _ %ws_border or %es_readonly '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub CrncySymbolsDlg alias "CrncySymDlg" (byval ghParent as dword, _ byval ParentPosX as long, _ byval ParentPosY as long, _ byval ParentSzX as long, _ byval ParentSzY as long) export local hCrncyDlg, pCBLine, hFont14, hFont9 as dword local DeskPxlX, DeskPxlY, DlgUntX, DlgUntY, LineCnt, LineNum, CharCnt as long dialog default font "Microsoft Sans Serif", 12, 0, 1 font new "Microsoft Sans Serif", 14, 0, 1, 0, 0 to hFont14 font new "Microsoft Sans Serif", 9, 0, 1, 0, 0 to hFont9 dialog new ghParent, "Currency Popup", 30 , _ ParentPosX ParentPosY - (%CurDlgSzY -ParentSzY), _ %CrncyDlgSz_X, %CurDlgSzY, %DlgStyle , %DlgExStyle to hCrncyDlg ' dialog get size hCrncyDlg to DlgUntX, DlgUntY ' dialog set loc hCrncyDlg, gDeskUntX - DlgUntX, gDeskUntY - DlgUntY dialog set icon hCrncyDlg, "#101" dialog set color hCrncyDlg, -1, &h00B0B0B0& if ghParent then dialog send ghParent, %UM_CrncyPop, %USC_Handle, 0 end if '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Select by options . control add option, hCrncyDlg, %ID_ByCurrencyNameOpt, "Currency Name", _ 5 + 4, 14, 60, 10, _ %bs_left or %bs_vcenter or %ws_group or %ws_tabstop, %ws_ex_left control set color hCrncyDlg, %ID_ByCurrencyNameOpt, -1, &h00B0B0B0& control add option, hCrncyDlg, %ID_ByCountryNameOpt, "Country Name", _ 73, 14, 60, 10 control set color hCrncyDlg, %ID_ByCountryNameOpt, -1, &h00B0B0B0& control add option, hCrncyDlg, %ID_ByISO_CodeOpt, "ISO Code", _ 5 + 4, 25, 60, 10 control set color hCrncyDlg, %ID_ByISO_CodeOpt, -1, &h00B0B0B0& control add frame, hCrncyDlg, %ID_SelectByFrm, "Select Currency By:", _ 5, %ByFramePos_Y, %CrncyFullSz_X, 32, _ %bs_left or %bs_top or %ws_group, %ws_ex_left control set color hCrncyDlg, %ID_SelectByFrm, -1, &h00B0B0B0& '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Select combobox group . control add label, hCrncyDlg, %ID_SelCmboBxLbl, " Get Symbol Named: ", _ 5, 41, 130, %LblSz_Y control set color hCrncyDlg, %ID_SelCmboBxLbl, -1, &h00B0B0B0& control add combobox, hCrncyDlg, %ID_CrncySelCmboBx, , _ 5, 50, %CrncyFullSz_X, 123, _ %cbs_dropdownlist or %ws_tabstop or %ws_vscroll, %ws_ex_clientedge or _ %ws_ex_left control set color hCrncyDlg, %ID_CrncySelCmboBx, -1, &h00D8D8D8& control disable hCrncyDlg, %ID_SelCmboBxLbl control disable hCrncyDlg, %ID_CrncySelCmboBx '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Row 1 . '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ISO Code . . control add label, hCrncyDlg, %ID_ISOCodeLbl, "ISO Code", _ 5, 67, 50, %LblSz_Y control set color hCrncyDlg, %ID_ISOCodeLbl, -1, &h00B0B0B0& control add imgbutton, hCrncyDlg, %ID_ISOCodeClpBdBtn, "#201", _ 5, 76, 11 ,%TBSz_Y control set color hCrncyDlg, %Row1_BTN_TBxPos_Y, -1, &h00D8D8D8& control add textbox, hCrncyDlg, %ID_ISOCodeTxtBx, "", _ 17, 76, 30, %TBSz_Y, %TBS_CenterReadOnly, %ws_ex_left control set color hCrncyDlg, %ID_ISOCodeTxtBx, -1, &h00D8D8D8& ' '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Symbol . . control add label, hCrncyDlg, %ID_CrncySymbolLbl1, " Symbol", _ %SymClpBdPos_X, 67, 60, %LblSz_Y control add imgbutton, hCrncyDlg, %ID_SymblCharClpBdBtn, "#201", _ %SymClpBdPos_X, 76 + 1, 11, 11 control set color hCrncyDlg, %ID_CrncySymbolLbl1, -1, &h00B0B0B0& control add textbox, hCrncyDlg, %ID_CrncySymbolTxtBx, "", _ %SymTxtBxPos_X, 76, 30, 12, %TBS_CenterReadOnly, %ws_ex_left control set font hCrncyDlg, %ID_CrncySymbolTxtBx,hFont14 control set color hCrncyDlg, %ID_CrncySymbolTxtBx, -1, &h00D8D8D8& control add label, hCrncyDlg, %ID_CrncySymblLbl2, " (in larger font)", _ %CrncyDlgSz_X - 44, 88, 37, 7, _ %ss_right, %ws_ex_left control set font hCrncyDlg, %ID_CrncySymblLbl2, hFont9 control set color hCrncyDlg, %ID_CrncySymblLbl2, -1, &h00B0B0B0& '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Character code of symbol . control add label, hCrncyDlg, %ID_ValOfSymblLbl, _ " Character Code of Symbol", 5, 93 , 90, %LblSz_Y control set color hCrncyDlg, %ID_ValOfSymblLbl, -1, &h00B0B0B0& '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hex . . control add imgbutton, hCrncyDlg, %ID_SymblHexClpBdBtn, "#201", _ 5, 102, 11 , %TBSz_Y control add textbox, hCrncyDlg, %ID_SymblHexTxtBx, "", _ 17, 102, 112, %TBSz_Y, %TBS_RightJusReadOnly, %ws_ex_left control set color hCrncyDlg, %ID_SymblHexTxtBx, -1, &h00D8D8D8& control add label, hCrncyDlg, %ID_SymbolHex16Lbl, chr$$(&h2081, &h2086), _ 129, 103, 6, %LblSz_Y control set color hCrncyDlg, %ID_SymbolHex16Lbl, -1, &h00C4C4C4& '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Decimal . . control add label, hCrncyDlg, %ID_SymbolDecLbl, " Or", _ 5, 118, 60 , %LBlSz_Y control set color hCrncyDlg, %ID_SymbolDecLbl, -1, &h00B0B0B0& control add imgbutton, hCrncyDlg, %ID_SymblDecClpBdBtn, "#201", _ 5, 127, 11 , %TBSz_Y control add textbox, hCrncyDlg, %ID_SymblDecTxtBx, "", _ 17, 127, 112, %TBSz_Y, %TBS_RightJusReadOnly , %ws_ex_left control set color hCrncyDlg, %ID_SymblDecTxtBx, -1, &h00D8D8D8& control add label, hCrncyDlg, %ID_SymbolDec10Lbl, chr$$(&h2081, &h2080), _ 129, 127 + 1, 6, %LblSz_Y control set color hCrncyDlg, %ID_SymbolDec10Lbl, -1, &h00C4C4C4& '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Remarks . control add label, hCrncyDlg, %ID_RemarksLbl, " Remarks", _ 5, 143, %CrncyFullSz_X, %LBlSz_Y control set color hCrncyDlg, %ID_RemarksLbl, -1, &h00B0B0B0& control add textbox, hCrncyDlg, %ID_RemarksTxtBx, "", _ 5, 152, %CrncyFullSz_X, 20, _ %es_autohscroll or %es_left or %es_multiline or %es_readonly or _ %ws_border or %ws_tabstop, %ws_ex_clientedge or %ws_ex_left control set color hCrncyDlg, %ID_RemarksTxtBx, -1, &h00D8D8D8& '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . dialog show modal hCrncyDlg call CrncyDlgCB font end hFont9 font end hFont14 end sub '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Main DLL entry function libmain (byval hInstance as long, _ byval fwdReason as long, _ byval lpvReserved as long) as long select case fwdReason case 1 '%DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH 'ghInstance = hInstance function = 1 'success! case 0 '%DLL_PROCESS_DETACH function = 1 'success! case 2 '%DLL_THREAD_ATTACH function = 1 'success! case 3 '%DLL_THREAD_DETACH function = 1 'success! end select end function '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Items to populate "Get . . ." combobox. #include "" #include "" #include "" 'data for the symbols #include "" '===============================================================================
Not a complete procedure, is a long SELECT CASE within the CALLBACK procedure. So the #INCLUDE line is where the code needs to be placed. Uses index number of item selected in combobox to get pointer to currency data.
' select case as long ISOindx case 1 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(AlderneyPoundISO) case 2 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(ArtsakhDramISO) case 3 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(NiueDollarISO) case 4 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(SahrawiPesetaISO) case 5 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(AEDISO) case 6 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(AFNISO) case 7 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(ALLISO) case 8 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(AMDISO) case 9 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(ANGISO) case 10 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(AOAISO) case 11 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(ARSISO) case 12 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(AUDISO) case 13 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(AWGISO) case 14 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(AZNISO) case 15 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(BAMISO) case 16 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(BBDISO) case 17 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(BDTISO) case 18 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(BGNISO) case 19 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(BHDISO) case 20 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(BIFISO) case 21 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(BMDISO) case 22 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(BNDISO) case 23 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(BOBISO) case 24 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(BRLISO) case 25 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(BSDISO) case 26 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(BTNISO) case 27 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(BWPISO) case 28 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(BYNISO) case 29 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(BZDISO) case 30 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(CADISO) case 31 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(CDFISO) case 32 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(CHFISO) case 33 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(CKDISO) case 34 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(CLPISO) case 35 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(CNYISO) case 36 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(COPISO) case 37 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(CRCISO) case 38 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(CUPISO) case 39 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(CVEISO) case 40 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(CZKISO) case 41 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(DJFISO) case 42 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(DKKISO) case 43 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(DOPISO) case 44 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(DZDISO) case 45 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(EGPISO) case 46 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(ERNISO) case 47 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(ETBISO) case 48 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(EURISO) case 49 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(FJDISO) case 50 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(FKPISO) case 51 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(FOKISO) case 52 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(GBPISO) case 53 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(GELISO) case 54 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(GELISO) case 55 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(GHSISO) case 56 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(GIPISO) case 57 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(GMDISO) case 58 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(GNFISO) case 59 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(GTQISO) case 60 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(GYDISO) case 61 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(HKDISO) case 62 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(HNLISO) case 63 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(HRKISO) case 64 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(HTGISO) case 65 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(HUFISO) case 66 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(IDRISO) case 67 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(ILSISO) case 68 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(IMPISO) case 69 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(INRISO) case 70 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(IQDISO) case 71 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(IRRISO) case 72 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(ISKISO) case 73 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(JEPISO) case 74 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(JMDISO) case 75 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(JODISO) case 76 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(JPYISO) case 77 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(KESISO) case 78 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(KGSISO) case 79 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(KHRISO) case 80 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(KIDISO) case 81 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(KMFISO) case 82 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(KPWISO) case 83 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(KRWISO) case 84 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(KWDISO) case 85 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(KYDISO) case 86 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(KZTISO) case 87 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(LAKISO) case 88 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(LBPISO) case 89 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(LKRISO) case 90 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(LRDISO) case 91 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(LSLISO) case 92 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(LYDISO) case 93 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(MADISO) case 94 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(MDLISO) case 95 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(MGAISO) case 96 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(MKDISO) case 97 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(MMKISO) case 98 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(MNTISO) case 99 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(MOPISO) case 100 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(MRUISO) case 101 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(MURISO) case 102 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(MVRISO) case 103 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(MWKISO) case 104 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(MXNISO) case 105 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(MYRISO) case 106 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(MZNISO) case 107 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(NADISO) case 108 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(NGNISO) case 109 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(NIOISO) case 110 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(NOKISO) case 111 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(NPRISO) case 112 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(NZDISO) case 113 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(OMRISO) case 114 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(PABISO) case 115 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(PENISO) case 116 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(PGKISO) case 117 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(PHPISO) case 118 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(PKRISO) case 119 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(PLNISO) case 120 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(PNDISO) case 121 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(PRBISO) case 122 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(PYGISO) case 123 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(QARISO) case 124 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(RONISO) case 125 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(RSDISO) case 126 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(RUBISO) case 127 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(RWFISO) case 128 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(SARISO) case 129 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(SBDISO) case 130 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(SCRISO) case 131 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(SDGISO) case 132 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(SEKISO) case 133 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(SGDISO) case 134 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(SHPISO) case 135 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(SLLISO) case 136 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(SLSISO) case 137 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(SOSISO) case 138 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(SRDISO) case 139 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(SSPISO) case 140 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(STNISO) case 141 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(SYPISO) case 142 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(SZLISO) case 143 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(THBISO) case 144 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(TJSISO) case 145 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(TMTISO) case 146 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(TNDISO) case 147 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(TOPISO) case 148 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(TRYISO) case 149 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(TTDISO) case 150 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(TVDISO) case 151 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(TWDISO) case 152 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(TZSISO) case 153 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(UAHISO) case 154 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(UGXISO) case 155 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(USDISO) case 156 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(UYUISO) case 157 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(UZSISO) case 158 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(VESISO) case 159 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(VNDISO) case 160 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(VUVISO) case 161 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(WSTISO) case 162 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(XAFISO) case 163 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(XCDISO) case 164 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(XOFISO) case 165 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(XPFISO) case 166 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(YERISO) case 167 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(ZARISO) case 168 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(ZMWISO) case 169 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(ZWBISO) case 170 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(Bitcoin) case 171 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(Cent) case 172 pISO_Symbol = codeptr(UnspecCrncy) end select '172
' 'By Currency names for listbox asmdata CurrenciesList dd 143& 'count of names dw 16%, "Afghani - Afghan"$$, 06% dw 17%, "Ariary - Malagasy"$$, 95% dw 11%, "Baht - Thai"$$, 143% dw 19%, "Balboa - Panamanian"$$, 114% dw 16%, "Birr - Ethiopian"$$, 47% dw 29%, "Bolívar Soberano - Venezuelan"$$, 158% dw 20%, "Boliviano - Bolivian"$$, 23% dw 15%, "Cedi - Ghanaian"$$, 55% dw 19%, "Colón - Costa Rican"$$, 37% dw 20%, "Córdoba - Nicaraguan"$$, 109% dw 16%, "Dalasi - Gambian"$$, 57% dw 18%, "Denar - Macedonian", 96% dw 16%, "Dinar - Algerian"$$, 44% dw 16%, "Dinar - Bahraini"$$, 19% dw 13%, "Dinar - Iraqi"$$, 70% dw 17%, "Dinar - Jordanian"$$, 75% dw 15%, "Dinar - Kuwaiti"$$, 84% dw 14%, "Dinar - Libyan"$$, 92% dw 15%, "Dinar - Serbian"$$, 125% dw 16%, "Dinar - Tunisian"$$, 146% dw 17%, "Dirham - Moroccan"$$, 93% dw 29%, "Dirham - United Arab Emirates"$$, 05% dw 29%, "Dobra - São Tomé and Príncipe"$$, 140% dw 15%, "Dollar - (many)"$$, 155% dw 17%, chr$$(&h0110, &h1ED3), "ng - Vietnamese"$$, 159% 'dong dw 15%, "Dram - Armenian"$$, 08% dw 14%, "Dram - Artsakh"$$, 02% dw 21%, "Escudo - Cape Verdean"$$, 39% dw 13%, "Euro - (many)"$$, 48% dw 15%, "Florin - Aruban"$$, 13% dw 18%, "Forint - Hungarian"$$, 65% dw 17%, "Franc - Burundian"$$, 20% dw 34%, "Franc - Central African CFA (many)"$$, 162% dw 18%, "Franc - CFP (many)"$$, 165% dw 16%, "Franc - Comorian"$$, 81% dw 17%, "Franc - Congolese"$$, 31% dw 18%, "Franc - Djiboutian"$$, 41% dw 15%, "Franc - Guinean"$$, 58% dw 15%, "Franc - Rwandan"$$, 127% dw 13%, "Franc - Swiss"$$, 32% dw 31%, "Franc - West African CFA (many)"$$, 164% dw 16%, "Gourde - Haitian"$$, 64% dw 20%, "Guaraní - Paraguayan"$$, 116% dw 31%, "Guilder - Netherlands Antillean"$$, 09% dw 19%, "Hryvnia - Ukrainian"$$, 153% dw 23%, "KinaPapua - New Guinean"$$, 116% dw 09%, "Kip - Lao"$$, 87% dw 14%, "Koruna - Czech"$$, 40% dw 15%, "Króna - Faroese"$$, 51% dw 17%, "Króna - Icelandic"$$, 72% dw 15%, "Krona - Swedish"$$, 143% dw 14%, "Krone - Danish"$$, 42% dw 17%, "Krone - Norwegian"$$, 110% dw 15%, "Kuna - Croatian"$$, 63% dw 17%, "Kwacha - Malawian"$$, 103% dw 16%, "Kwacha - Zambian"$$, 168% dw 16%, "Kwanza - Angolan"$$, 10% dw 14%, "Kyat - Burmese"$$, 97% dw 15%, "Lari - Georgian"$$, 53% dw 14%, "Lek - Albanian"$$, 07% dw 18%, "Lempira - Honduran"$$, 62% dw 22%, "Leone - Sierra Leonean"$$, 135% dw 14%, "Leu - Moldovan"$$, 94% dw 14%, "Leu - Romanian"$$, 124% dw 15%, "Lev - Bulgarian"$$, 18% dw 17%, "Lilangeni - Swazi"$$, 142% dw 13%, "Liras"$$, chr$$(&h0131), " - T", chr$$(&h00FC), "rk"$$, 148% 'turk lira dw 14%, "Loti - Lesotho"$$, 91% dw 19%, "Manat - Azerbaijani"$$, 14% dw 20%, "Manat - Turkmenistan"$$, 145% dw 42%, "Mark, convertible - Bosnia and Herzegovina"$$, 15% dw 20%, "Metical - Mozambican"$$, 106% dw 16%, "Naira - Nigerian"$$, 108% dw 16%, "Nakfa - Eritrean"$$, 46% dw 20%, "Ngultrum - Bhutanese"$$, 26% dw 21%, "Ouguiya - Mauritanian"$$, 100% dw 16%, "Pa"$$, chr$$(&h02BB), "anga - Tongan"$$, 147% dw 17%, "Pataca - Macanese"$$, 99% dw 16%, "Peseta - Sahrawi"$$, 04% dw 16%, "Peso - Argentine"$$, 11% dw 14%, "Peso - Chilean"$$, 34% dw 16%, "Peso - Colombian"$$, 36% dw 12%, "Peso - Cuban"$$, 38% dw 16%, "Peso - Dominican"$$, 43% dw 14%, "Peso - Mexican"$$, 104% dw 17%, "Peso - Philippine"$$, 117% dw 16%, "Peso - Uruguayan"$$, 156% dw 16%, "Pound - Alderney"$$, 01% dw 15%, "Pound - British"$$, 52% dw 16%, "Pound - Egyptian"$$, 45% dw 24%, "Pound - Falkland Islands"$$, 50% dw 17%, "Pound - Gibraltar"$$, 56% dw 16%, "Pound - Guernsey"$$, 54% dw 14%, "Pound - Jersey"$$, 73% dw 16%, "Pound - Lebanese"$$, 88% dw 12%, "Pound - Manx"$$, 68% dw 20%, "Pound - Saint Helena"$$, 134% dw 22%, "Pound - South Sudanese"$$, 139% dw 16%, "Pound - Sudanese"$$, 131% dw 14%, "Pound - Syrian"$$, 141% dw 15%, "Pula - Botswana"$$, 27% dw 20%, "Quetzal - Guatemalan"$$, 59% dw 20%, "Rand - South African"$$, 167% dw 16%, "Real - Brazilian"$$, 24% dw 14%, "Rial - Iranian"$$, 71% dw 12%, "Rial - Omani"$$, 113% dw 13%, "Rial - Yemeni"$$, 166% dw 16%, "Riel - Cambodian"$$, 79% dw 19%, "Ringgit - Malaysian"$$, 105% dw 14%, "Riyal - Qatari"$$, 123% dw 13%, "Riyal - Saudi"$$, 128% dw 25%, "Dollar - Zimbabwean, RTGS"$$, 169% dw 18%, "Ruble - Belarusian"$$, 28% dw 15%, "Ruble - Russian"$$, 126% dw 21%, "Ruble - Transnistrian"$$, 121% dw 19%, "Rufiyaa - Maldivian"$$, 102% dw 14%, "Rupee - Indian"$$, 69% dw 17%, "Rupee - Mauritian"$$, 101% dw 16%, "Rupee - Nepalese"$$, 111% dw 17%, "Rupee - Pakistani"$$, 118% dw 19%, "Rupee - Seychellois"$$, 130% dw 18%, "Rupee - Sri Lankan"$$, 89% dw 19%, "Rupiah - Indonesian"$$, 66% dw 21%, "Shekel, new - Israeli"$$, 67% dw 17%, "Shilling - Kenyan"$$, 77% dw 17%, "Shilling - Somali"$$, 137% dw 21%, "Shilling - Somaliland"$$, 136% dw 20%, "Shilling - Tanzanian"$$, 152% dw 18%, "Shilling - Ugandan"$$, 154% dw 14%, "Sol - Peruvian"$$, 115% dw 17%, "Som - Kyrgyzstani"$$, 78% dw 18%, "So"$$, chr$$(&h02BB), "m - Uzbekistani"$$, 157% dw 20%, "Somoni - Tajikistani"$$, 144% dw 18%, "Taka - Bangladeshi"$$, 17% dw 13%, &h0054, &h0101, &h006C, &h0101, " - Samoan"$$, 161% 'tala dw 19%, "Tenge - Kazakhstani"$$, 86% dw 18%, "Tögrög - Mongolian"$$, 98% dw 14%, "Vatu - Vanuatu"$$, 160% dw 18%, "Won - North Korean"$$, 82% dw 18%, "Won - South Korean"$$, 83% dw 14%, "Yen - Japanese"$$, 76% dw 14%, "Yuan - Chinese"$$, 35% dw 14%, "Zloty - Polish"$$, 119% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '
' asmdata ISOCodeList dd 172& 'count of number of codes dw 23%, "(none) - Alderney pound", 01% ' dw 21%, "(none) - Artsakh dram", 02% dw 20%, "(none) - Niue dollar", 03% dw 23%, "(none) - Sahrawi peseta", 04% dw 16%, "(none) - Bitcoin", 170% dw 20%, "(none) - unspecified", 172 dw 13%, "(none) - cent", 171% dw 03%, "AED", 05% dw 03%, "AFN", 06% dw 03%, "ALL", 07% dw 03%, "AMD", 08% dw 03%, "ANG", 09% dw 03%, "AOA", 10% dw 03%, "ARS", 11% dw 03%, "AUD", 12% dw 03%, "AWG", 13% dw 03%, "AZN", 14% dw 03%, "BAM", 15% dw 03%, "BBD", 16% dw 03%, "BDT", 17% dw 03%, "BGN", 18% dw 03%, "BHD", 19% dw 03%, "BIF", 20% dw 03%, "BMD", 21% dw 03%, "BND", 22% dw 03%, "BOB", 23% dw 03%, "BRL", 24% dw 03%, "BSD", 25% dw 03%, "BTN", 26% dw 03%, "BWP", 27% dw 03%, "BYN", 28% dw 03%, "BZD", 29% dw 03%, "CAD", 30% dw 03%, "CDF", 31% dw 03%, "CHF", 32% dw 03%, "CKD", 33% dw 03%, "CLP", 34% dw 03%, "CNY", 35% dw 03%, "COP", 36% dw 03%, "CRC", 37% dw 03%, "CUP", 38% dw 03%, "CVE", 39% dw 03%, "CZK", 40% dw 03%, "DJF", 41% dw 03%, "DKK", 42% dw 03%, "DOP", 43% dw 03%, "DZD", 44% dw 03%, "EGP", 45% dw 03%, "ERN", 46% dw 03%, "ETB", 47% dw 03%, "EUR", 48% dw 03%, "FJD", 49% dw 03%, "FKP", 50% dw 03%, "FOK", 51% dw 03%, "GBP", 52% dw 03%, "GEL", 53% dw 03%, "GGP", 54% dw 03%, "GHS", 55% dw 03%, "GIP", 56% dw 03%, "GMD", 57% dw 03%, "GNF", 58% dw 03%, "GTQ", 59% dw 03%, "GYD", 60% dw 03%, "HKD", 61% dw 03%, "HNL", 62% dw 03%, "HRK", 63% dw 03%, "HTG", 64% dw 03%, "HUF", 65% dw 03%, "IDR", 66% dw 03%, "ILS", 67% dw 03%, "IMP", 68% dw 03%, "INR", 69% dw 03%, "IQD", 70% dw 03%, "IRR", 71% dw 03%, "ISK", 72% dw 03%, "JEP", 73% dw 03%, "JMD", 74% dw 03%, "JOD", 75% dw 03%, "JPY", 76% dw 03%, "KES", 77% dw 03%, "KGS", 78% dw 03%, "KHR", 79% dw 03%, "KID", 80% dw 03%, "KMF", 81% dw 03%, "KPW", 82% dw 03%, "KRW", 83% dw 03%, "KWD", 84% dw 03%, "KYD", 85% dw 03%, "KZT", 86% dw 03%, "LAK", 87% dw 03%, "LBP", 88% dw 03%, "LKR", 89% dw 03%, "LRD", 90% dw 03%, "LSL", 91% dw 03%, "LYD", 92% dw 03%, "MAD", 93% dw 03%, "MDL", 94% dw 03%, "MGA", 95% dw 03%, "MKD", 96% dw 03%, "MMK", 97% dw 03%, "MNT", 98% dw 03%, "MOP", 99% dw 03%, "MRU", 100% dw 03%, "MUR", 101% dw 03%, "MVR", 102% dw 03%, "MWK", 103% dw 03%, "MXN", 104% dw 03%, "MYR", 105% dw 03%, "MZN", 106% dw 03%, "NAD", 107% dw 03%, "NGN", 108% dw 03%, "NIO", 109% dw 03%, "NOK", 110% dw 03%, "NPR", 111% dw 03%, "NZD", 112% dw 03%, "OMR", 113% dw 03%, "PAB", 114% dw 03%, "PEN", 115% dw 03%, "PGK", 116% dw 03%, "PHP", 117% dw 03%, "PKR", 118% dw 03%, "PLN", 119% dw 03%, "PND", 120% dw 03%, "PRB", 121% dw 03%, "PYG", 122% dw 03%, "QAR", 123% dw 03%, "RON", 124% dw 03%, "RSD", 125% dw 03%, "RUB", 126% dw 03%, "RWF", 127% dw 03%, "SAR", 128% dw 03%, "SBD", 129% dw 03%, "SCR", 130% dw 03%, "SDG", 131% dw 03%, "SEK", 132% dw 03%, "SGD", 133% dw 03%, "SHP", 134% dw 03%, "SLL", 135% dw 03%, "SLS", 136% dw 03%, "SOS", 137% dw 03%, "SRD", 138% dw 03%, "SSP", 139% dw 03%, "STN", 140% dw 03%, "SYP", 141% dw 03%, "SZL", 142% dw 03%, "THB", 143% dw 03%, "TJS", 144% dw 03%, "TMT", 145% dw 03%, "TND", 146% dw 03%, "TOP", 147% dw 03%, "TRY", 148% dw 03%, "TTD", 149% dw 03%, "TVD", 150% dw 03%, "TWD", 151% dw 03%, "TZS", 152% dw 03%, "UAH", 153% dw 03%, "UGX", 154% dw 03%, "USD", 155% dw 03%, "UYU", 156% dw 03%, "UZS", 157% dw 03%, "VES", 158% dw 03%, "VND", 159% dw 03%, "VUV", 160% dw 03%, "WST", 161% dw 03%, "XAF", 162% dw 03%, "XCD", 163% dw 03%, "XOF", 164% dw 03%, "XPF", 165% dw 03%, "YER", 166% dw 03%, "ZAR", 167% dw 03%, "ZMW", 168% dw 03%, "ZWB", 169% end asmdata
' asmdata CountriesList dd 236& 'number of countries in list dw 11%,"Afghanistan",06% dw 21%,"Akrotiri and Dhekelia",48% dw 07%,"Albania",07% dw 08%,"Alderney",01% dw 07%,"Algeria",44% dw 07%, "Andorra", 48% dw 06%, "Angola", 10% dw 08%, "Anguilla", 163% dw 19%, "Antigua and Barbuda", 163% dw 09%, "Argentina", 11% dw 07%, "Armenia", 8% dw 07%, "Artsakh", 2% dw 05%, "Aruba", 13% dw 16%, "Ascension Island", 134% dw 09%, "Australia", 12% dw 07%, "Austria", 48% dw 10%, "Azerbaijan", 14% dw 12%, "Bahamas, The", 25% dw 07%, "Bahrain", 19% dw 10%, "Bangladesh", 17% dw 08%, "Barbados", 16% dw 07%, "Belarus", 28% dw 07%, "Belgium", 48% dw 06%, "Belize", 29% dw 05%, "Benin", 164% dw 07%, "Bermuda", 21% dw 06%, "Bhutan", 26% dw 07%, "Bolivia", 23% dw 07%, "Bonaire", 155% dw 22%, "Bosnia and Herzegovina", 15% dw 08%, "Botswana", 27% dw 06%, "Brazil", 24% dw 30%, "British Indian Ocean Territory", 155% dw 22%, "British Virgin Islands", 155% dw 06%, "Brunei", 22% dw 08%, "Bulgaria", 18% dw 12%, "Burkina Faso", 164% dw 07%, "Burundi", 20% dw 08%, "Cambodia", 79% dw 08%, "Cameroon", 162% dw 06%, "Canada", 30% dw 10%, "Cape Verde", 39% dw 14%, "Cayman Islands", 85% dw 24%, "Central African Republic", 162% dw 04%, "Chad", 162% dw 05%, "Chile", 34% dw 05%, "China", 35% dw 08%, "Colombia", 36% dw 07%, "Comoros", 81% dw 33%, "Congo, Democratic Republic of the", 31% dw 22%, "Congo, Republic of the", 162% dw 12%, "Cook Islands", 33% dw 10%, "Costa Rica", 37% dw 13%, "Côte d'Ivoire", 164% dw 07%, "Croatia", 63% dw 04%, "Cuba", 38% dw 07%, "Curaçao", 9% dw 06%, "Cyprus", 48% dw 14%, "Czech Republic", 40% dw 07%, "Denmark", 42% dw 08%, "Djibouti", 41% dw 08%, "Dominica", 163% dw 18%, "Dominican Republic", 43% dw 10%, "East Timor", 155% dw 07%, "Ecuador", 155% dw 05%, "Egypt", 45% dw 11%, "El Salvador", 155% dw 17%, "Equatorial Guinea", 162% dw 07%, "Eritrea", 46% dw 07%, "Estonia", 48% dw 08%, "Eswatini", 142% dw 08%, "Ethiopia", 47% dw 16%, "Falkland Islands", 50% dw 13%, "Faroe Islands", 51% dw 04%, "Fiji", 49% dw 07%, "Finland", 48% dw 06%, "France", 48% dw 16%, "French Polynesia", 165% dw 05%, "Gabon", 162% dw 11%, "Gambia, The", 57% dw 07%, "Georgia", 53% dw 07%, "Germany", 48% dw 05%, "Ghana", 55% dw 09%, "Gibraltar", 56% dw 06%, "Greece", 48% dw 09%, "Greenland", 42% dw 07%, "Grenada", 163% dw 09%, "Guatemala", 59% dw 08%, "Guernsey", 54% dw 06%, "Guinea", 58% dw 13%, "Guinea-Bissau", 164% dw 06%, "Guyana", 60% dw 05%, "Haiti", 64% dw 08%, "Honduras", 62% dw 09%, "Hong Kong", 61% dw 07%, "Hungary", 65% dw 07%, "Iceland", 72% dw 05%, "India", 69% dw 09%, "Indonesia", 66% dw 04%, "Iran", 71% dw 04%, "Iraq", 70% dw 07%, "Ireland", 48% dw 11%, "Isle of Man", 68% dw 06%, "Israel", 67% dw 05%, "Italy", 48% dw 07%, "Jamaica", 74% dw 05%, "Japan", 76% dw 06%, "Jersey", 73% dw 06%, "Jordan", 75% dw 10%, "Kazakhstan", 86% dw 05%, "Kenya", 77% dw 08%, "Kiribati", 80% dw 12%, "Korea, North", 82% dw 12%, "Korea, South", 83% dw 06%, "Kosovo", 48% dw 06%, "Kuwait", 84% dw 10%, "Kyrgyzstan", 78% dw 04%, "Laos", 87% dw 06%, "Latvia", 48% dw 07%, "Lebanon", 88% dw 07%, "Lesotho", 91% dw 07%, "Liberia", 90% dw 05%, "Libya", 92% dw 13%, "Liechtenstein", 32% dw 09%, "Lithuania", 48% dw 10%, "Luxembourg", 48% dw 05%, "Macau", 99% dw 10%, "Madagascar", 95% dw 06%, "Malawi", 103% dw 08%, "Malaysia", 105% dw 08%, "Maldives", 102% dw 04%, "Mali", 164% dw 05%, "Malta", 48% dw 16%, "Marshall Islands", 155% dw 10%, "Mauritania", 100% dw 09%, "Mauritius", 101% dw 06%, "Mexico", 104% dw 10%, "Micronesia", 155% dw 07%, "Moldova", 94% dw 06%, "Monaco", 48% dw 08%, "Mongolia", 98% dw 10%, "Montenegro", 48% dw 10%, "Montserrat", 163% dw 07%, "Morocco", 93% dw 10%, "Mozambique", 106% dw 07%, "Myanmar", 97% dw 07%, "Namibia", 107% dw 05%, "Nauru", 12% dw 05%, "Nepal", 111% dw 11%, "Netherlands", 48% dw 13%, "New Caledonia", 165% dw 11%, "New Zealand", 112% dw 09%, "Nicaragua", 109% dw 05%, "Niger", 164% dw 07%, "Nigeria", 108% dw 04%, "Niue", 112% dw 15%, "North Macedonia", 96% dw 15%, "Northern Cyprus", 148% dw 06%, "Norway", 110% dw 04%, "Oman", 113% dw 08%, "Pakistan", 118% dw 05%, "Palau", 155% dw 09%, "Palestine", 75% dw 09%, "Palestine", 67% dw 06%, "Panama", 114% dw 16%, "Papua New Guinea", 116% dw 08%, "Paraguay", 122% dw 04%, "Peru", 115% dw 11%, "Philippines", 117% dw 16%, "Pitcairn Islands", 120% dw 06%, "Poland", 119% dw 08%, "Portugal", 48% dw 05%, "Qatar", 123% dw 07%, "Romania", 124% dw 06%, "Russia", 126% dw 06%, "Rwanda", 127% dw 04%, "Saba", 155% dw 16%, "Sahrawi Republic", 100% dw 12%, "Saint Helena", 134% dw 21%, "Saint Kitts and Nevis", 163% dw 11%, "Saint Lucia", 163% dw 32%, "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines", 163% dw 05%, "Samoa", 161% dw 10%, "San Marino", 48% dw 21%, "São Tomé and Príncipe", 140% dw 12%, "Saudi Arabia", 128% dw 07%, "Senegal", 164% dw 06%, "Serbia", 125% dw 10%, "Seychelles", 130% dw 12%, "Sierra Leone", 135% dw 09%, "Singapore", 133% dw 14%, "Sint Eustatius", 155% dw 12%, "Sint Maarten", 17% dw 08%, "Slovakia", 48% dw 08%, "Slovenia", 48% dw 15%, "Solomon Islands", 129% dw 07%, "Somalia", 137% dw 10%, "Somaliland", 136% dw 12%, "South Africa", 167% dw 13%, "South Ossetia", 126% dw 11%, "South Sudan", 139% dw 05%, "Spain", 48% dw 09%, "Sri Lanka", 89% dw 05%, "Sudan", 131% dw 08%, "Suriname", 138% dw 06%, "Sweden", 132% dw 11%, "Switzerland", 32% dw 05%, "Syria", 141% dw 06%, "Taiwan", 143% dw 10%, "Tajikistan", 144% dw 08%, "Tanzania", 152% dw 08%, "Thailand", 143% dw 04%, "Togo", 164% dw 05%, "Tonga", 147% dw 12%, "Transnistria", 121% dw 19%, "Trinidad and Tobago", 149% dw 07%, "Tunisia", 146% dw 06%, "Turkey", 148% dw 12%, "Turkmenistan", 145% dw 24%, "Turks and Caicos Islands", 155% dw 06%, "Tuvalu", 150% dw 06%, "Uganda", 154% dw 07%, "Ukraine", 153% dw 20%, "United Arab Emirates", 5% dw 14%, "United Kingdom", 52% dw 13%, "United States", 155% dw 07%, "Uruguay", 156% dw 10%, "Uzbekistan", 157% dw 07%, "Vanuatu", 160% dw 12%, "Vatican City", 48% dw 09%, "Venezuela", 158% dw 07%, "Vietnam", 159% dw 17%, "Wallis and Futuna", 165% dw 05%, "Yemen", 166% dw 06%, "Zambia", 168% dw 08%, "Zimbabwe", 169% end asmdata
To add another currency to this include file, I recommend adding it at the end. That way the index numbers in the three combobox list include files will not need to be changed. The new ISO code, currency name or country may be inserted in the appropriate list alphabetically.
' '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alderney Pound (none) . . asmdata AlderneyPoundISO '01 dw 06%, "(none)"$$ 'ISO dw 01%, &h00A3?? 'symbol dw 23%, "Also British pound GBP."$$ 'remarks end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Artsakh dram (None) . . asmdata ArtsakhDramISO '02 dw 06%, "(none)"$$ dw 03%, chr$$(&h0564, &h0580, &h002E) dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Niue dollar (none) . . asmdata NiueDollarISO '03 dw 06%, "(none)"$$ dw 01%, "$"$$ dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sahrawi peseta (none) . . asmdata SahrawiPesetaISO '04 dw 06%, "(none)"$$ dw 03%, "Pts"$$ dw 07%, "or Ptas"$$ end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UAE AED . . asmdata AEDISO '05 dw 03%, "AED"$$ dw 03%, &h0625, &h0026, &h062F dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Afghani AFN . . asmdata AFNISO '06 dw 03%, "AFN"$$ dw 01%, &h060B?? dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Albanian lek ALL" . . asmdata ALLISO '07 dw 03%, "ALL"$$ dw 01%, "L"$$ dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Armenian AMD . . asmdata AMDISO '08 dw 03%, "AMD"$$ dw 01%, &h058F?? dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Netherlands ANG . . asmdata ANGISO '09 dw 03%, "ANG"$$ dw 01%, &h0192?? dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Angolan AOA . . asmdata AOAISO '10 dw 03%, "AOA"$$ dw 02%, "Kz"$$ dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Argentine ARS . . asmdata ARSISO '11 dw 03%, "ARS"$$ dw 01%, "$"$$ dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Australian AUD . . asmdata AUDISO '12 dw 03%, "AUD"$$ dw 01%, "$"$$ dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Aruban AWG . . asmdata AWGISO '13 dw 03%, "AWG"$$ dw 01%, &h0192?? dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Azerbaijani AZN . . asmdata AZNISO '14 dw 03%, "AZN"$$ dw 01%, &h20BC?? dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bosnia_Herzeg. BAM . . asmdata BAMISO '15 dw 03%, "BAM"$$ dw 02%, "KM"$$ dw 86%, "or similar looking Cyrillic ", &h041A, &h041C," used in", $$crlf dw "Serbo-Croation 041A, 041C (1050, 1052 decimal)"$$ end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Barbadian BBD . . asmdata BBDISO '16 dw 03%, "BBD"$$ dw 01%, "$"$$ dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bangladeshi BDT . . asmdata BDTISO '17 dw 03%, "BDT"$$ dw 01%, &h09F3?? dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bulgarian BGN . . asmdata BGNISO '18 dw 03%, "BGN"$$ dw 03%, chr$$(&h043B??, &h0432, &h002E) dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bahraini BHD . . asmdata BHDISO '19 dw 03%, "BHD"$$ dw 04%, chr$$(&h002E, &h0628, &h002E, &h062F) dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Burundian BIF . . asmdata BIFISO '20 dw 03%, "BIF"$$ dw 02%, "Fr"$$ dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bermudian BMD . . asmdata BMDISO '21 dw 03%, "BMD"$$ dw 01%, "$"$$ dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brunei BND . . asmdata BNDISO '22 dw 03%, "BND"$$ dw 01%, "$"$$ dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Boliviano BOB . . asmdata BOBISO '23 dw 03%, "BOB"$$ dw 02%, "Bs"$$ dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brazilian BRL . . asmdata BRLISO '24 dw 03%, "BRL"$$ dw 02%, "R$"$$ dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bahamian BSD . . asmdata BSDISO '25 dw 03%, "BSD"$$ dw 01%, "$"$$ dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bhutanese BTN . . asmdata BTNISO '26 dw 03%, "BTN"$$ dw 02%, "Nu"$$ dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Botswana BWP . . asmdata BWPISO '27 dw 03%, "BWP"$$ dw 01%, "P"$$ dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Belarusian BYN . . asmdata BYNISO '28 dw 03%, "BYN"$$ dw 02%, "Br"$$ dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Belize BZD . . asmdata BZDISO '29 dw 03%, "BZD"$$ dw 01%, "$"$$ dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Canadian CAD . . asmdata CADISO '30 dw 03%, "CAD"$$ dw 01%, "$"$$ dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Congolese CDF . . asmdata CDFISO '31 dw 03%, "CDF"$$ dw 02%, "Fr"$$ dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Swiss CHF . . asmdata CHFISO '32 dw 03%, "CHF"$$ dw 02%, "Fr"$$ dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cook Islands CKD . . asmdata CKDISO '33 dw 03%, "CKD"$$ dw 01%, "$"$$ dw 35%, "not ISO code, but used commercially"$$ end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chilean CLP . . asmdata CLPISO '34 dw 03%, "CLP"$$ dw 01%, "$"$$ dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chinese CNY . . asmdata CNYISO '35 dw 03%, "CNY"$$ dw 01%, &h00A5?? dw 28%, "or "$$, &h5143??, ", &h5143 (20803 decimal)"$$ end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Colombian COP . . asmdata COPISO '36 dw 03%, "COP"$$ dw 01%, "$"$$ dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Costa Rican CRC . . asmdata CRCISO '37 dw 03%, "CRC"$$ dw 01%, &h20A1?? dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cuban CUP . . asmdata CUPISO '38 dw 03%, "CUP"$$ dw 01%, "$"$$ dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cape Verdean CVE . . asmdata CVEISO '39 dw 03%, "CVE"$$ dw 03%, "Esc"$$ dw 04%, "or $"$$ end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Czech CZK . . asmdata CZKISO '40 dw 03%, "CZK"$$ dw 02%, chr$$(&h004B, &h010D) dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Djiboutian DJF . . asmdata DJFISO '41 dw 03%, "DJF"$$ dw 02%, "Fr"$$ dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Danish DKK . . asmdata DKKISO '42 dw 03%, "DKK"$$ dw 02%, "kr"$$ dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dominican DOP . . asmdata DOPISO '43 dw 03%, "DOP"$$ dw 03%, "RD$"$$ dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Algerian DZD . . asmdata DZDISO '44 dw 03%, "DZD"$$ dw 03%, chr$$(&h062C, &h002E, &h062F) dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Egyptian EGP . . asmdata EGPISO '45 dw 03%, "EGP"$$ dw 01%, "£"$$ dw 55%, "or "$$, chr$$(&h0645, &h002E, &h062C), " &h0645, &h002E, &h062C"$$ dw $$crlf, "(1605, 46, 1580 decimal)" end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eritrean ERN . . asmdata ERNISO '46 dw 03%, "ERN"$$ dw 03%, "Nfk"$$ dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ethiopian ETB . . asmdata ETBISO '47 dw 03%, "ETB"$$ dw 02%, "Br"$$ dw 14%, "&h0042, &h0072"$$ end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Euro EUR . . asmdata EURISO '48 dw 03%, "EUR"$$ dw 01%, &h20AC?? dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fijian FJD . . asmdata FJDISO '49 dw 03%, "FJD"$$ dw 01%, "$"$$ dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Falkland Islands FKP . . asmdata FKPISO '50 dw 03%, "FKP"$$ dw 01%, "£"$$ dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Faroese FOK . . asmdata FOKISO '51 dw 03%, "FOK"$$ dw 02%, "kr"$$ dw 35%, "not ISO code, but used commercially"$$ end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . British Pound GBP. . asmdata GBPISO '52 dw 03%, "GBP"$$ dw 01%, &h00A3?? dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Georgian lari GEL . . asmdata GELISO '53 dw 03%, "GEL"$$ dw 01%, &h20BE?? dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Guernsey pound GGP . . asmdata GGPISO '54 dw 03%, "GGP"$$ dw 01%, "£"$$ dw 35%, "not ISO code, but used commercially"$$ end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ghanaian cedi GHS . . asmdata GHSISO '55 dw 03%, "GHS"$$ dw 01%, &h20B5?? dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gibraltar pound GIP . . asmdata GIPISO '56 dw 03%, "GIP"$$ dw 01%, "£"$$ dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gambian dalasi GMD . . asmdata GMDISO '57 dw 03%, "GMD"$$ dw 01%, "D"$$ dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Guinean franc GNF . . asmdata GNFISO '58 dw 03%, "GNF"$$ dw 02%, "Fr"$$ dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Guatemalan quetzal GTQ . . asmdata GTQISO '59 dw 03%, "GTQ"$$ dw 01%, "Q"$$ dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Guyanese dollar GYD . . asmdata GYDISO '60 dw 03%, "GYD"$$ dw 01%, "$"$$ end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hong Kong dollar HKD . . asmdata HKDISO '61 dw 03%, "HKD"$$ dw 01%, "$"$$ dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Honduran lempira HNL . . asmdata HNLISO '62 dw 03%, "HNL"$$ dw 01%, "L"$$ dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Croatian kuna HRK . . asmdata HRKISO '63 dw 03%, "HRK"$$ dw 02%, "kn"$$ dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Haitian gourde HTG . . asmdata HTGISO '64 dw 03%, "HTG"$$ dw 01%, "G"$$ dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hungarian forint HUF . . asmdata HUFISO '65 dw 03%, "HUF"$$ dw 02%, "Ft"$$ dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Indonesian rupiah IDR . . asmdata IDRISO '66 dw 03%, "IDR"$$ dw 02%, "Rp"$$ dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Israeli new shekel ILS . . asmdata ILSISO '67 dw 03%, "ILS"$$ dw 01%, &h20AA?? dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Manx pound IMP . . asmdata IMPISO '68 dw 03%, "IMP"$$ dw 01%, "£"$$ dw 35%, "not ISO code, but used commercially"$$ end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Indian rupee INR . . asmdata INRISO '69 dw 03%, "INR"$$ dw 01%, &h20B9?? dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Iraqi dinar IQD . . asmdata IQDISO '70 dw 03%, "IQD"$$ dw 03%, chr$$(&h062F, &h002E, &h0639) dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Iranian rial IRR . . asmdata IRRISO '71 dw 03%, "IRR"$$ dw 01%, &hFDFC dw 14%, "(may not show)" end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Icelandic króna ISK . . asmdata ISKISO '72 dw 03%, "ISK"$$ dw 02%, "kr"$$ dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jersey pound JEP . . asmdata JEPISO '73 dw 03%, "JEP"$$ dw 01%, "£"$$ dw 35%, "not ISO code, but used commercially"$$ end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jamaican dollar JMD . . asmdata JMDISO '74 dw 03%, "JMD"$$ dw 01%, "$"$$ dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jordanian dinar JOD . . asmdata JODISO '75 dw 03%, "JOD"$$ dw 03%, chr$$(&h0627, &h002E, &h062F) dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Japanese yen JPY . . asmdata JPYISO '76 dw 03%, "JPY"$$ dw 01%, &h00A5?? dw 28%, "or "$$, chr$$(&h5186??), ", &h5186 (20870 decimal)"$$ end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kenyan shilling KES . . asmdata KESISO '77 dw 03%, "KES"$$ dw 02%, "Sh"$$ dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kyrgyzstani som KGS . . asmdata KGSISO '78 dw 03%, "KGS"$$ dw 01%, &h0441?? dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cambodian riel KHR . . asmdata KHRISO '79 dw 03%, "KHR"$$ dw 01%, &h17DB?? dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kiribati dollar KID . . asmdata KIDISO '80 dw 03%, "KID"$$ dw 01%, "$"$$ dw 35%, "not ISO code, but used commercially"$$ end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Comorian franc KMF . . asmdata KMFISO '81 dw 03%, "KMF"$$ dw 02%, "Fr"$$ dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . North Korean won KPW . . asmdata KPWISO '82 dw 03%, "KPW"$$ dw 01%, &h20A9?? dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . South Korean won KRW . . asmdata KRWISO '83 dw 03%, "KRW"$$ dw 01%, &h20A9?? dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kuwaiti dinar KWD . . asmdata KWDISO '84 dw 03%, "KWD"$$ dw 03%, chr$$(&h0643, &h002E, &h062F) dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cayman Islands dollar KYD . . asmdata KYDISO '85 dw 03%, "KYD"$$ dw 01%, "$"$$ dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kazakhstani tenge KZT . . asmdata KZTISO '86 dw 03%, "KZT"$$ dw 01%, &h20B8?? dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lao kip LAK . . asmdata LAKISO '87 dw 03%, "LAK"$$ dw 01%, &h20AD?? dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lebanese Pound LBP . . asmdata LBPISO '88 dw 03%, "LBP"$$ dw 03%, chr$$(&h0644, &h002E, &h0644) dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sri Lankan rupee LKR . . asmdata LKRISO '89 dw 03%, "LKR"$$ dw 02%, "Rs"$$ dw 54%, "also ", &h0DBB??, ", 0DBB (3515 decimal)", $$crlf dw "or ", &h0BB0??, ", 0BB0 (2992 decimal)" end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Liberian dollar LRD . . asmdata LRDISO '90 dw 03%, "LRD"$$ dw 01%, "$"$$ dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lesotho loti LSL . . asmdata LSLISO '91 dw 03%, "LSL"$$ dw 01%, "L"$$ dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Libyan dinar LYD . . asmdata LYDISO '92 dw 03%, "LYD"$$ dw 03%, chr$$(&h062F, &h002E, &h0644) dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Moroccan dirham MAD . . asmdata MADISO '93 dw 03%, "MAD"$$ dw 04%, &h0645??, &h002E??, &h062F??, &h002E?? dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Moldovan leu MDL . . asmdata MDLISO '94 dw 03%, "MDL"$$ dw 01%, "L"$$ dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Malagasy ariary MGA . . asmdata MGAISO '95 dw 03%, "MGA"$$ dw 02%, "Ar"$$ dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Macedonian denar MKD . . asmdata MKDISO '96 dw 03%, "MKD"$$ dw 03%, chr$$(&h0434, &h0435, &h043D) dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Burmese kyat MMK . . asmdata MMKISO '97 dw 03%, "MMK"$$ dw 02%, "Ks"$$ dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mongolian tögrög MNT . . asmdata MNTISO '98 dw 03%, "MNT"$$ dw 01%, &h20AE?? dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Macanese pataca MOP . . asmdata MOPISO '99 dw 03%, "MOP"$$ dw 04%, "MOP$"$$ dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mauritanian ouguiya MRU . . asmdata MRUISO '100 dw 03%, "MRU"$$ dw 02%, "UM"$$ dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mauritian rupee MUR . . asmdata MURISO '101 dw 03%, "MUR"$$ dw 01%, &h20A8?? dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Maldivian rufiyaa MVR . . asmdata MVRISO '102 dw 03%, "MVR"$$ dw 02%, &h002E??, &h0783?? dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Malawian kwacha MWK . . asmdata MWKISO '103 dw 03%, "MWK"$$ dw 02%, "MK"$$ dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mexican peso MXN . . asmdata MXNISO '104 dw 03%, "MXN"$$ dw "$"$$ dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Malaysian ringgit MYR . . asmdata MYRISO '105 dw 03%, "MYR"$$ dw 02%, "RM"$$ dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mozambican metical MZN . . asmdata MZNISO '106 dw 03%, "MZN"$$ dw 02%, "MT"$$ dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Namibian dollar NAD . . asmdata NADISO '107 dw 03%, "NAD"$$ dw 01%, "$"$$ dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nigerian naira NGN . . asmdata NGNISO '108 dw 03%, "NGN"$$ dw 01%, &h20A6?? dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nicaraguan córdoba NIO . . asmdata NIOISO '109 dw 03%, "NIO"$$ dw 02%, "C$"$$ dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Norwegian krone NOK . . asmdata NOKISO '110 dw 03%, "NOK"$$ dw 02%, "kr"$$ dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nepalese rupee NPR . . asmdata NPRISO '111 dw 03%, "NPR"$$ dw 01%, &h20A6?? dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New Zealand dollar NZD . . asmdata NZDISO '112 dw 03%, "NZD"$$ dw 01%, "$"$$ dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Omani rial OMR . . asmdata OMRISO '113 dw 03%, "OMR"$$ dw 04%, chr$$(&h0639, &h002E, &h0631, &h002E) dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Panamanian balboa PAB . . asmdata PABISO '114 dw 03%, "PAB"$$ dw 03%, "B/."$$ dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Peruvian sol PEN . . asmdata PENISO '115 dw 03%, "PEN"$$ dw 03%, "S/."$$ dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Papua new Guinean kina PGK . . asmdata PGKISO '116 dw 03%, "PGK"$$ dw 01%, "K"$$ dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Philippine peso PHP . . asmdata PHPISO '117 dw 03%, "PHP"$$ dw 01%, &h20B1?? dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pakistani rupee PKR . . asmdata PKRISO '118 dw 03%, "PKR"$$ dw 01%, &h20A8?? dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Polish zloty PLN . . asmdata PLNISO '119 dw 03%, "PLN"$$ dw 02%, &h007A??, &h0142?? dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pitcairn Islands dollar PND . . asmdata PNDISO '120 dw 03%, "PND"$$ dw 01%, "$"$$ dw 35%, "not ISO code, but used commercially"$$ end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Transnistrian ruble PRB . . asmdata PRBISO '121 dw 03%, "PRB"$$ dw 02%, &h0440??, &h002E?? dw 35%, "not ISO code, but used commercially"$$ end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Paraguayan guaraní PYG . . asmdata PYGISO '122 dw 03%, "PYG"$$ dw 01%, &h20B2?? dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Qatari riyal QAR . . asmdata QARISO '123 dw 03%, "QAR"$$ dw 03%, &h0642??, &h002E??, &h0631?? dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Romanian leu RON . . asmdata RONISO '124 dw 03%, "RON"$$ dw 03%, "lei"$$ dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Serbian dinar RSD . . asmdata RSDISO '125 dw 03%, "RSD"$$ dw 03%, chr$$(&h0434, &h0438, &h043D) dw 07%, "or din."$$ end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Russian ruble RUB . . asmdata RUBISO '126 dw 03%, "RUB"$$ dw 01%, &h20BD?? dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rwandan franc RWF . . asmdata RWFISO '127 dw 03%, "RWF"$$ dw 02%, "Fr" dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Saudi riyal SAR . . asmdata SARISO '128 dw 03%, "SAR"$$ dw 01%, &hFDFC?? dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Solomon Islands dollar SBD . . asmdata SBDISO '129 dw 03%, "SBD"$$ dw 01%, "$"$$ dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Seychellois rupee SCR . . asmdata SCRISO '130 dw 03%, "SCR"$$ dw 01%, &h20A8?? dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sudanese pound SDG . . asmdata SDGISO '131 dw 03%, "SDG"$$ dw 04%, &h002E??, &h0633??, &h002E??, &h062C?? dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Swedish krona SEK . . asmdata SEKISO '132 dw 03%, "SEK"$$ dw 02%, "kr"$$ dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Singapore dollar SGD . . asmdata SGDISO '133 dw 03%, "SGD"$$ dw 01%, "$"$$ dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Saint Helena pound SHP . . asmdata SHPISO '134 dw 03%, "SHP"$$ dw 01%, "£"$$ dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sierra Leonean leone SLL . . asmdata SLLISO '135 dw 03%, "SLL"$$ dw 02%, "Le"$$ dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Somaliland shilling SLS . . asmdata SLSISO '136 dw 03%, "SLS"$$ dw 02%, "Sl"$$ dw 35%, "not ISO code, but used commercially"$$ end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Somali shilling SOS . . asmdata SOSISO '137 dw 03%, "SOS"$$ dw 02%, "Sh"$$ dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Surinamese dollar SRD . . asmdata SRDISO '138 dw 03%, "SRD"$$ dw 01%, "$"$$ dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . South Sudanese pound SSP . . asmdata SSPISO '139 dw 03%, "SSP"$$ dw 01%, "£"$$ dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . São Tomé and Príncipe dobra STN . . asmdata STNISO '140 dw 03%, "STN"$$ dw 02%, "Db"$$ dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Syrian pound SYP . . asmdata SYPISO '141 dw 03%, "SYP"$$ dw 01%, "£"$$ dw 56%, "or ", &h0633??, &h002E??, &h0644??, ", &h0633, &h002E, &h0644" dw $$crlf, "(1587, 46, 1604 decimal)" end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Swazi lilangeni SZL . . asmdata SZLISO '142 dw 03%, "SZL"$$ dw 01%, "L"$$ dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Thai baht THB . . asmdata THBISO '143 dw 03%, "THB"$$ dw 01%, &h0E3F?? dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tajikistani somoni TJS . . asmdata TJSISO '144 dw 03%, "TJS"$$ dw 02%, "SM"$$ dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Turkmenistan manat TMT . . asmdata TMTISO '145 dw 03%, "TMT"$$ dw 01%, "m"$$ dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tunisian dinar TND . . asmdata TNDISO '146 dw 03%, "TND" dw 03%, chr$$(&h062A, &h002E, &h062F) dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tongan pa'anga TOP . . asmdata TOPISO '147 dw 03%, "TOP"$$ dw 02%, "T$"$$ dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Turk Lirasi TRY . . asmdata TRYISO '148 dw 03%, "TRY"$$ dw 01%, &h20BA?? dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Trinidad and Tobago dollar TTD . . asmdata TTDISO '149 dw 03%, "TTD"$$ dw 01%, "$"$$ dw 00# end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tuvaluan dollar TVD . . asmdata TVDISO '150 dw 03%, "TVD"$$ dw 01%, "$"$$ dw 35%, "not ISO code, but used commercially"$$ end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New Taiwan dollar TWD . . asmdata TWDISO '151 dw 03%, "TWD"$$ dw 01%, "$"$$ dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tanzanian shilling TZS . . asmdata TZSISO '152 dw 03%, "TZS"$$ dw 01%, "Sh"$$ dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ukrainian hryvnia UAH . . asmdata UAHISO '153 dw 03%, "UAH"$$ dw 01%, &h20B4?? dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ugandan shilling UGX . . asmdata UGXISO '154 dw 03%, "UGX"$$ dw 02%, "Sh"$$ dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . United States dollar USD . . asmdata USDISO '155 dw 03%, "USD"$$ dw 01%, "$"$$ dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Uruguayan peso UYU . . asmdata UYUISO '156 dw 03%, "UYU"$$ dw 01%, "$"$$ dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Uzbekistani so'm UZS . . asmdata UZSISO '157 dw 03%, "UZS"$$ dw 04%, "so'm"$$ dw 58%, "or ", &h0441??, &h045E??, &h043C??, ", &h0441, &h045E, &h043C" dw $$crlf, "(1089, 1118, 1084 decimal)" end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Venezuelan bolívar soberano VES . . asmdata VESISO '158 dw 03%, "VES"$$ dw 05%, "Bs.S."$$ dw 52%, "or Bs. &h0042, &h0073, &h002E", $$crlf dw "(66, 115, 46 decimal)" end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vietnamese dong VND . . asmdata VNDISO '159 dw 03%, "VND"$$ dw 01%, &h20AB?? dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vanuatu vatu VUV . . asmdata VUVISO '160 dw 03%, "VUV"$$ dw 02%, "Vt"$$ dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Samoan tala WST . . asmdata WSTISO '161 dw 03%, "WST"$$ dw 01%, "T"$$ dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Central African CFA franc XAF . . asmdata XAFISO '162 dw 03%, "XAF"$$ dw 02%, "Fr"$$ dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eastern Caribbean dollar XCD . . asmdata XCDISO '163 dw 03%, "XCD"$$ dw 01%, "$"$$ dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . West African CFA franc XOF . . asmdata XOFISO '164 dw 03%, "XOF"$$ dw 02%, "Fr"$$ dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CFP Franc XPF . . asmdata XPFISO '165 dw 03%, "XPF"$$ dw 01%, &h20A3?? dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yemeni rial YER . . asmdata YERISO '166 dw 03%, "YER"$$ dw 03%, &h064A??, &h002E??, &h0631?? dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . South African rand ZAR . . asmdata ZARISO '167 dw 03%, "ZAR"$$ dw 01%, "R"$$ dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Zambian kwacha ZMW . . asmdata ZMWISO '168 dw 03%, "ZMW"$$ dw 02%, "ZK"$$ dw 00% end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Zimbabwe RTGS dollar ZWB . . asmdata ZWBISO '169 dw 03%, "ZWB"$$ dw 06%, "(none)"$$ dw 35%, "not ISO code, but used commercially"$$ end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bitcoin . . asmdata Bitcoin '170 dw 06%, "(none)"$$ dw 01%, &h20BF?? dw 17%, "A cryptocurrency."$$ end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cent . . asmdata Cent '171 dw 06%, "(none)"$$ dw 01%, &h00A2?? dw 27%, "1/100th of many currencies."$$ end asmdata '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unspecified Currency . . asmdata UnspecCrncy '172 dw 06%, "(none)"$$ dw 01%, &h00A4?? dw 00% end asmdata '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '
'Declare for explicit call (using IMPORT in PBWin 10 or PBCC 6) 'or API LOADLIB in any version (including non-PB with syntax change) DECLARE SUB CrncySymbolsDlg ALIAS "CrncySymDlg" (BYVAL ghParent as dword, _ BYVAL ParentPosX as long, _ BYVAL ParentPosY as long, _ BYVAL ParentSzX as long, _ BYVAL ParentSzY as long) 'Declare for implicit loading (load time/start up) DECLARE SUB CrncySymbolsDlg LIB "CurrencyPopup.dll" ALIAS "CrncySymDlg" _ (BYVAL ghParent as dword, _ BYVAL ParentPosX as long, _ BYVAL ParentPosY as long, _ BYVAL ParentSzX as long, _ BYVAL ParentSzY as long)
ghParent is handle of the window or console the popup is called from. For
PBCC 6 the handle can be obtained with CON.HANDLE, or CONSHNDL for other
versions. If making windowless/consoleless program just to call the popup,
use 0 which is the handle of the desktop.
The positions and sizes are in pixels.
Created on 15 Oct 2021; last edit 21 Oct 2021