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#compile exe #dim all %ID_InputTxtBx = 1000 %ID_ExCaption1 = 900 %ID_ExCaption2 = 901 %ID_CharHexBtn = 1001 %ID_CharHexTxtBx = 1002 %ID_ToClipBdBtn = 1003 %ID_ExitBtn = 1004 #resource icon, 101, ".\Grab.ico" callback function DlgCB() as long local TmpStr as wstring if cb.msg = %wm_command then select case as long cb.ctl case %ID_CharHexBtn control get text cb.hndl, %ID_InputTxtBx to TmpStr TmpStr = hex$(asc(TmpStr), 4) control set text cb.hndl, %ID_CharHexTxtBx, "&h" + TmpStr + "??" case %ID_ToClipBdBtn control get text cb.hndl, %ID_CharHexTxtBx to TmpStr clipboard set text TmpStr case %ID_ExitBtn dialog end cb.hndl end select end if end function '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function pbmain () as long local Str as wstring local hDlg, hFont8 as dword dialog default font "Tahoma", 12, 0, 1 dialog new 0, "Grab a wide character by copy,", , , 104, 71, %ds_3dlook or _ %ds_nofailcreate or %ds_setfont or %ws_caption or %ws_clipsiblings or _ %ws_dlgframe or %ds_modalframe or %ws_popup or %ws_sysmenu, _ %ws_ex_left or %ws_ex_ltrreading or %ws_ex_rightscrollbar to hDlg dialog set icon hDlg, "#101" font new "Microsoft Sans Serif", 8, 0, 1, 0 to hFont8 control add label, hDlg, %ID_ExCaption1, "", 0, 0, 11, 9 control set color hDlg, %ID_ExCaption1, -1, &h00FFFFFF control add label, hDlg, %ID_ExCaption2, _ "paste, and get hex value for source code.", 11, 0, 93, 9 control set color hDlg, %ID_ExCaption2, -1, &h00FFFFFF control set font hDlg, %ID_ExCaption2, hFont8 control add textbox, hDlg, %ID_InputTxtBx, "", 4, 14, 12, 14, %es_center or _ %ws_border or %ws_tabstop , %ws_ex_clientedge or %ws_ex_left control add button, hDlg, %ID_CharHexBtn, chr$$(&h25C4??) + _ " Character To Hex", 17, 14, 82, 13 control add textbox, hDlg, %ID_CharHexTxtBx, "", 4, 32, 39, 14, _ %es_center or %ws_border or %ws_tabstop , %ws_ex_clientedge or %ws_ex_left control add button, hDlg, %ID_ToClipBdBtn, chr$$(&h25C4??) + _ " To ClipBoard", 44, 32, 55, 13 control add button, hDlg, %ID_ExitBtn, "Exit", 38, 52, 30, 15 ' dialog show modal hDlg call DlgCB font end hFont8 end function
Created on August 26, 2021